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City and Town Life

Zoel Hargrave

Zoel Hargrave on the occasion of his 50th college reunion. Johnson C. Smith University, class of 1910.From left to right: Mr. Downing (first name unknown), Mr. Beatty (first name unknown), Zoel Hargrave, Mr. Logan (first name unknown), Mr. Adams (first name unknown). Physical Description: Panoramic image. Publisher: Unknown

Unidentified Man

An unidentified man standing. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

Celia Richardson

Celia Richardson, wife of Samuel. She was a seamstress and designer of gorgeous gowns. Physical Description: 5x7 Publisher: Unknown

Jean Grier

Jean Grier in 1932. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

Beatrice Waterman Calhoun

Beatrice Waterman Calhoun's second grade picture in 1939. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

William Thomas Waterman

William T. Waterman at 9 months old. He was the son of Marion Waterman. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown