Group Picture
Group Picture. Starting on the back row, from left to right: unknown, unknown, Beatrice DeVeau, unknown.Front row, from left to right: unknown, Pricilla DeVeau, Gertrude DeVeau. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown
Group Picture. Starting on the back row, from left to right: unknown, unknown, Beatrice DeVeau, unknown.Front row, from left to right: unknown, Pricilla DeVeau, Gertrude DeVeau. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown
Odell Junior in 1940. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown
Pearl DeVeau in 1934. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown
Ella Mae Wallace in 1950. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown
Priscilla DeVeau Davidson was born in South Carolina. She and her husband, Anderson Davidson were living in New York City by this time. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown
An unidentified woman. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown
Samuel Richardson, one of the first black firemen in Charlotte. Physical Description: 5x7 Publisher: Unknown
Mary Grier Fleming. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown
People walking along Lakewood Park. The Pavilion can be seen in the foreground. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Carolina Card Company
Intersection of Trade and Tryon Streets (Square) around the turn of the century. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Leighton & Valentine Company