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Charlotte: A Work in Progress 1956 - 1996

“Charlotte - A Work in Progress” represents a snapshot of the changes that have made the Queen City a major metropolitan area. The photographs show people and their work transforming as Charlotte grows in the postwar period.

Shoppers ShiftRetail grows outside the center city

To The RescueThe work of medical and rescue personnel

Everyday WorkScenes of service and customers

TransportationRoads, rails, and airport

All Play, No Work - Professional sports teams in Charlotte

Rebuilding NeighborhoodsHousing projects

Signs of the TimePlacards of protest

Colossal Constructionuptown towers


The images here were captured by Charlotte Observer photographers. References to the articles that they illustrated are included in the exhibit. Past issues of the Observer may be accessed at the Online Resources page of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. The photographers whose work is featured are listed below:

Bill Billings

Wes Bobbitt

John Daughtry

Phil Drake

Jim Dumbell

T. Ortega Gaines

Bill McAllister

Davie Hinshaw

Diedra Laird

Bob Leverone

Gary O’Brien

Steve Perille

John Simmons      

Mark Sluder

Jim Strickland

Don Sturkey

Jeep Hunter

Jim Wilson