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Water and Sewerage

Sketches of Charlotte
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p.8, p.9

This information was first published in 1888:


THE Charlotte Water Works were established in 1882 by a company of Northern capitalists, but are now owned by home people, having been purchased by Dr. R: J. Brevard and Mr. E. B. Springs. The engine house and the two reservoirs from which the water supply is drawn, are located one mile east of the city, and the water tower, from which the supply is distributed, is located on the court house lot, near the center of the city. The supply of water is sufficient to meet all demands, being practically inexhaustible. The water is as clear and sparkling as that of a spring.


ONE of the best advantages enjoyed by the city is a good and safe system of sewerage—the Waring system. All the pipes are laid under ground, and there are four large mains, one running through each ward of the city. The mains discharge into flowing streams one mile distant.


Sketches of Charlotte, the Queen City of the Old North State, and of Mecklenburg, the Banner County. Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, 1888.