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Hotels and Newspapers

Central Hotel, southeast corner, Trade and Tryon
Sketches of Charlotte
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This information was first published in 1888:


In Hotels and Newspapers Charlotte is particularly fortunate. The Central Hotel and Buford House are equipped in excellent style and are con­ducted on modern principles. The two combined can accommodate 800 guests. Both hotels are furnished in elegant goods, even the hallways being laid in Brussels carpeting. In the newspaper line, Charlotte boasts of a first-class daily in the Chronicle, owned and managed by Mr. W. S. Hemby. It takes the telegraphic dispatches and enjoys a fine patronage. The Democrat, a weekly paper published by Yates & Strong, is one of the oldest papers in the State, and the most successful one without exception. The Southern Newspaper Union has a finely equipped plant here, for the publication of patent outside papers. The Union prints outsides for about 75 weekly papers issued in different parts of the South.


Sketches of Charlotte, the Queen City of the Old North State, and of Mecklenburg, the Banner County. Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, 1888.