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Robinson-Spangler North Carolina Room Image Collection

Thomas Hanchett, Order of the Longleaf Pine

On May 17, 2017, Thomas Hanchett received the Order of the Longleaf Pine. It is conferred by the governor to “persons for exemplary service to the State of North Carolina and their communities that is above and beyond the call of duty and which has made a significant impact and strengthened North Carolina.”

Future of the former Eastland Mall site.

The Eastland mall opened in 1975. It occupied 90 acres of land in East Charlotte, bounded by Central Avenue, Sharon Amity Road, and Wilora Lake Road. It closed in 2010, and the City of Charlotte acquired the property and demolished the buildings.

On May 18, 2017, the City invited residents to an informational meeting and party on the site of the old mall. Visitors made art on the parking lot surface, rode on free bicycles, and exchanged ideas and memories with representatives of city government and each other.  

Ribbon Cutting, Greenway Extension

On May 3, 2017, the Greenway reached Cordelia Park. The newly-opened segment from 12th St. to Cordelia Park, following Little Sugar Creek, brought the total mileage of the Greenway system in Mecklenburg County to 37.  City and County leaders cooperated to plan and execute the project and appeared together to celebrate its opening. Holding scissors, from left to right are County Commissioner George Dunlap, Mayor Jennifer Roberts, and County Commissioner Vilma Leake. 

Daisy Wallace Johnson (1886-1924)

Daisy Wallace Johnson (grandmother of Alice H. Kibler). Mrs. Johnson was a resident of the Cherry Neighborhood in Charlotte. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

Mable Haynes & Alice Haynes

Mable Haynes Lattimer (sister) holding Alice Haynes Kibler. Alice was about 7 months old. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

Mary Grace Johnson and Brevard Henry Haynes

Mary Grace Johnson Haynes and Brevard Henry Haynes (Mr. And Mrs.). Mary Grace Johnson Haynes was CHARLOTTE POST Mother of the Year in 1989. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

Brevard Henry Haynes (1908-1980)

Brevard Henry Haynes, the brother of Alice H.Kibler, as a teenager. They grew up in Mallard Creek Township. By 1930, Henry lived in Charlotte and worked as a waiter. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown