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Dedication of the D.H. Hill School Marker
Photograph of the Dedication of a stone marker for the D. H. Hill School which stood at South Boulevard and Morehead Street.To the right of the marker is D. H. Hill IV, Carolina Platt and D. H. Hill, III. To the left of the marker is a child (unknown), North Governor Angus McLean and Cornelia Fore, Charlotte's leading historian of her day. Her papers are housed in the Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room.To the far left, the bearded soldier is possibly named Mason, grandfather of Lillian Crosland. The granite boulder was manufactured by Piedmont Marble Company, and has since been lost. The bronze maker is at the home of Mrs. David Neil Carpenter on Yorkmont Road.
Physical Description: 7x10 sepia tone
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Donated By:
Mary Troutman
Copyright Details:
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
Image Collection Category:
Mecklenburg Image Collection
Image Collection Format:
Black and White