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Senator John F. Kennedy

Senator John F. Kennedy during the 1960 Presidential campaign. Police Chief, George Stephens drive the car. North Carolina Governor Luther Hodges is in the front passenger seat. Back seat, left to right: David Clark and Senator Kennedy. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy Publisher: Unknown

Senator John F. Kennedy

Senator John F. Kennedy during the 1960 Presidential campaign. Police Chief, George Stephens drive the car. North Carolina Governor Luther Hodges is in the front passenger seat. Back seat, left to right: David Clark and Senator Kennedy. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy Publisher: Unknown

Dr. Annie Alexander

Dr. Annie Lowrie Alexander (1864-1929) was the first woman to practice medicine in North Carolina. Physical Description: 31/2 x 5 Publisher: Unknown

Dr. Annie Alexander

Dr. Annie Alexander (1864-1929) of Mecklenburg County was the first female physician in North Carolina. She lived at 410 North Tryon Street. Physical Description: 5x7 glossy Publisher:

Dr. Annie Alexander in costume.

Dr. Annie Lowrie Alexander (1864-1929) in a costume for a Colonial Dames Tea in 1899. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

Wesley Enlose

Wesley Enlose Physical Description: 8x10 glossy Publisher: Unknown

Early auto drivers

Two women driving an early automobile. Physical Description: 8x104x5 negative Publisher: Unknown

Elizabeth College Student With Ensign William Cash

From Marie Isabella Matson's scrapbook when she attended Elizabeth College in Charlotte. Caption reads: Ensign William Cash - The Cincinnati.

Physical Description: Original in scrapbook35 mm negative

Publisher: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Dr. Thomas Arthur Walker

Dr. Thomas Arthur Walker (1879-1939) ran Walker Drugstore at 332 North Tryon Street. Today, this building still stands on the corner of 8th and Tryon. The Fox & Hound Pub is located there.

Physical Description: 5 x 7

Publisher: Unknown

Daniel A. Tompkins

Daniel Augustus Tompkins was a textile industralist and owner of the Charlotte Observer.

Physical Description: 5x7
