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Home Front: Winds of Change

G.I.'s - Home at Last

The joy of coming home can be seen on the faces of these veterans from North Carolina. Front row, left to right: Cpl. Guy R. Thornton of 2324 Chesterfield Ave., Charlotte; Cpl. Howell T. Ballard of Kannapolis; and Cpl. Robert D. Byram of 3008 Dogwood Ave., Charlotte. Standing left to right: Pvt. Judge W. Brooks of 3109 Plaza Road, Charlotte; Pfc. Bill Smith of Cramerton; Pfc. Robert W. Simril of 40 E. 9th St., Charlotte; and Pfc. Howard W. Garren of 1549 W. Trade St., also of Charlotte

Date of Event:

Welcome, Soldier!

Welcome Soldier! was published by the Charlotte Junior Chamber of Commerce to help newly stationed troops become familiar with the city.

View Pages 1 to 5

Greetings from the Charlotte Jr. Chamber of Commerce

View Pages 6 to 10

Photo of downtown Charlotte, photo of NC Governor Broughton, Greeting from NCGovernor, photo & greeting of Mayor Currie


Date of Event:

To G.I.'s: Welcome Home

To G.I.'s - Welcome Home is believed to have been published by the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce to welcome our troops back to the city and ease their transition back into civilian life.

View Pages 1 to 5

Photo of downtown, greeting from Mayor Baxter, American Legion, U. S. Veterans’ Administration, War Dads and the U. S. Employment Service.

View Pages 6 to 10

Date of Event:

Shortages and Scrap Metal

In this picture, Hoyt Galvin (left), acting chairman of the Mecklenburg County Salvage Committee, receives a victory pennant from James B. Vogler, Executive Secretary of the Conservation Division of the War Production Board in N.C. Mecklenburg was one of 16 counties that contributed 100 or more pounds of scrap per person during September and October, 1942. 

Date of Event: