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Independence Square

A photograph of the 1875 Souvenir of the Centennial of Charlotte.Original hangs in the Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room. Physical Description: 8x10 Publisher: Unknown

Charlotte Skyline

View of Charlotte skyline with North Carolina National Bank, now the Bank of America and Wachovia Bank in the foreground.

Physical Description: 8x1035 mm. Negative

Publisher: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Aerial view of Charlotte

Aerial view of Charlotte features City Hall, the Realty Building, and trolleys.

Physical Description: 9 1/2 x 7 1/2 very grainy

Publisher: Unknown

Charlotte City Life (1910s)

Wonderful street life scene in uptown Charlotte along North Tryon Street. Features great detail regarding transportation, dress, and names of local businesses.

Physical Description: 8x10 and 5x7 prints2 4x5 negatives

Publisher: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Charlotte Pipe & Foundry

Charlotte Pipe and Foundry was established by Willis Frank Dowd, Dr. in 1900. It was located on Park Avenue.

Physical Description: Two - 4x5 negativesOne print - 8 x 10

Publisher: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Aerial view of Charlotte

Southern view of Charlotte taken in April 11, 1916 from Dr. James Gibbon's Office in the Independence Building. The latter was located on North Tryon Street.

Physical Description: 4x5 & 35 mm negative

Publisher: Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County

Doc Crowell's Garage

Doc Crowell's Garage was located in the 200 block of North College Street. It was the First Ford garage in Charlotte.Same as:H.2000.01.415.20

Physical Description: 35mm 8x 10 in Hornet's Nest Collection


Cotton production

Bales of cotton waiting at the compress. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown

Charlotte Oil and Fertilizer Company

The Charlotte Oil and Fertilizer Company was a modern-steam-operated ginnery located in the Atherton Mill area on what is now South Boulevard. The ginnery processed seventy-five bales of cotton a day. Physical Description: Original from Tompkins papers.4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown


Farmers bringing their cotton crops to the town to sell. Physical Description: Original from Tompkins Papers4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown