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Marriage Notices

Faucette, Rufus Mr. and Ballard, Laura Miss
Faulconer, W. E.. Mr. and Hacket, Ada E. Miss
Faulk, James Mr. and Bagley, Martha Mrs.
Faulkner, James Mr. and Osborne, Ala Miss
Faysoux, M. C. Mr. and Amos, Lizzie Miss
Feezell, Samuel and Simmons, Lucinda A.
Feimster, Howard Mr. and Albea, Trophonia Miss
Ferguson, W. N. Mr. and Harvey, Mary Ann Miss
Finger, James P. Mr. and Asbury, Laura C. Miss
Fink, D. J. Mr. and Beaman, Mary F. Miss
Fisher, Thornton S. Mr. and Beaver, Laura Miss
Fite, Rufus Mr. and West, Lula Miss
Fitts, James W. and Button, Sarah
Fleming, John A. and Beard, Sarah E.
Flinn, William M. B. Dr. and Henderson, Eliza
Flow, A. C. Mr. and Dorton, Sallie B. Miss
Flow, M. D. Dr. and Berry, Letitia Miss
Forbes, W. S. Mr. and Blanchard, Anna W. Miss
Ford, G. F. Mr. and Armstrong, Lilla A. Miss
Fost?, Rufus G. and Fisher?, Leah L.
Frailey, John B. Mr. and Austin, Belle Miss
Francis, R. C. Mr. and Boheler, B. A. Miss
Freeman, G. H. Mr. and Austin, Alice Miss
Friday, W. E. Mr. and Beard, Susan Miss
Fry, Alfred H. Mr. and Bolch, Susan Ellen Miss
Funderburk, Jeff Mr. and Laney, Sallie Miss
Furr, Andrew J. Mr. and Allen, Lenora Miss
Gaither, J. M. Mr. and Baggerly, Elizabeth E. Miss
Galbraith, Joseph Mr. and Kistler, Miriam E. Miss
Gale, J. C. Mr. and Allison, L. A. Miss
Gallant, Stephen M. and Rudisill, Harriet C.
Galtney, James R. Mr. and Haywood, Annie Hill Miss
Gamble, John Mr. and Ferguson, Mary
Gannon, Mollie Miss and Epps, Stephen Mr.
Garreaf, Ernest Mr. and Blair, Mary Ann Miss
Garress, S. E. Mr. and Banker, Hannah Miss
Garrison, B. H. Professor and Headly, Jane L. Miss
Garrison, E. M. Mr. and Austin, m. J. Miss
Garrison, Edward Mr. and Rozzell, Ella Miss
Garrison, James Mr. and Bloom, Maggie Miss
Garrison, William I. Mr. and Alexander, Mary J. Mrs.
Gaston, J. R. Mr. and Armstrong, Sarah Miss
Gaston, Lucius Dr. and Bell, Jessie Miss
Gay, Nathaniel Mr. and Harton, S. Rebecca Miss
George, Fornay Colonel and Hairston, A. E. Mrs.
George, Fornay Colonel and Hairston, A. E. Mrs.
Gibson, Edmund R. Dr. and Phifer, Elizabeth
Gifford, Alfred Mr. and Bicknel, Elizabeth Miss
Gillam, Thompson Mr. and Anderson, Mamie Miss
Gilmer, Jr., John A, Mr. and Avery, Lollie Miss
Glass, R. B. Mr. and Barnett, Sallie K. Miss
Glenn, E. L. Dr. and Barron, S. Josephine Miss
Glenn, E. L. Dr. and Barrow, S. Josephine Miss
Godfrey, John S. Mr. and Rape, Tabytha Miss
Goodman, T. T. Mr. and Alexander, Willie Miss
Goodrum, Ephriam J. Mr. and Hanna, Margaret E. Miss
Goodrum, Thomas Mr. and Alexander, Agnes Miss
Gordon, Joseph Mr. and Beard, J. Miss
Graham, George Dr. and Alexander, Alice Miss
Graham, J.C. O. Mr. and Barringer, G. C. Mrs.
Graham, John and Little, Bridget
Graham, John W. Major and Bailey, Maggie F. Miss
Gray, Admiral and Mason, Elizabeth
Gray, Allen E. Mr. and Harris, Corenne H. Miss
Gray, Eugene E. Mr. and Huske, Lizzie A. Miss
Gray, Wiley and Davis, Prudence Mrs.
Green, Charles M. Mr. and Emma, McGuire Miss
Green, Charles M. Mr. and McGuire, Emma Miss
Green, Francis Mr. and Wilkinson, Addie Miss
Green, Francis Mr. and Wilkinson, Addie Miss
Green, Francis Mr. and Wilkinson, Addie Miss
Green, George, Jr. Mr. and Blacknall, Mamie Miss
Green, W. C. Mr. and Allen, Dora Miss
Green, W. C. Mr. and Allen, Dora Miss
Green, W. J. Colonel and Davis, Addie B. Mrs.
Green, William H. Captain and Atkinson, Fannie Miss
Greenlee, Samuel Mr. and Happoldt, Mary E. Miss
Gregory, George H. Esquire and Benbow, Mary R. Mrs.
Grier, Isaac and Robinson, Isabella
Grier, James S. and Berry, Ann
Grier, John and Blue, Mrs.
Grier, John H. and Ross, Margaret P.
Grier, John M. and Wood, Amelia Caroline
Griffin, Charles and Lennox, Polly
Griffin, J. B. Mr. and Bennett, Vigor Miss
Griffin, Robert Mr. and Miller, Mary Willis Miss
Griffin, Robert Mr. and Miller, Mary Willis Miss
Griffith, F. R. Reverend and Blacknall, Mary Miss
Griffith, Isaac Mr. and Parker, Carrie Miss
Griffith, Isaac Mr. and Parker, Carrie Miss
Griffith, James E. Mr. and Blackwelder, Louisa Miss
Griffith, S. A. Mr. and Mensing, Mary Miss
Griffith, Thomas W. Mr. and Andrews, Sallie G. Miss
Groves, R. A. Mr. and Armstrong, Nancy E. Miss
Gudger, James M. Esquire and Hankins, Katie Miss
Gudger, James M. Esquire and Hawkins, Katie Miss
Gudger, James M. Mr. and Hawkins, Katie Miss
Gulledge, W. D. Mr. and Barrett, E. M. Miss
Gunnels, John W. Mr. and Bacon, Maggie H. Miss
Gunther, Charles Mr. and Trimble, Ella A. Miss