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Marriage Notices

Heafner, Henry Mr. and Hoke, Janie C. Miss
Hearn, L. W. Mr. and Drake, Mary Miss
Hearne, A. S. Mr. and Heilig, Ellen J. Miss
Hearne, A. S. Mr. and Heilig, Ellen J. Miss
Hearne, G. P. Mr. and Starnes, S. A. Miss
Hearne, William A. Major and Street, Sallie A. Miss
Heart, N. M. Major and Gifford, Janie Miss
Heartt, E. D. Mr. and Hungerford, Mollie E. Miss
Heath, B. D. Mr. and Haley, Nettie Miss
Heath, B. D. Mr. and Halsey, Nettie Miss
Heath, E. J. Mr. and McLaughlin, Annie Miss
Heath, James Mr. and Shaw, Alice Miss
Heath, Jesse P. Mr. and Isley, Mary E. Miss
Heath, John Mr. and Suggs, Mattie Miss
Heath, John W. Mr. and Paris, Prudence C. Miss
Heath, W. C. Mr. and Armfield, Alice Miss
Heath, W. C. Mr. and Armfield, Alice Miss
Heathcock, Newton Mr. and Carter, Josie Miss
Heathcock, Walter Mr. and Killam, Martha Miss
Heavener, E. L. Mr. and Warlick, Jennie Miss
Heaver, Christie Mr. and Carpenter, Elta Miss
Heavner, Henry Mr. and Massagee, S. E. Miss
Hedgepeth, Robert Mr. and Keener, Mary Miss
Hedick, Andrew Mr. and Warlick, Mintie Miss
Hedrick, H. Seymour Mr. and Stikeleather, F. E. Miss
Hedrick, John Addison Mr. and Young, Maggie May Miss
Hefner, Elias Mr. and Starns, Lavina Miss
Hefner, John Mr. and Byers, Carrie Miss
Heiling, Clarence C. Mr. and Barrier, Emma Miss
Helms, Asa Mac Mr. and Austin, Catherine Mrs.
Helms, G. W. Mr. and Parks, Jemima Miss
Helms, Harvey Mr. and Hasty, Eliza Ellen Miss
Helton, Milas Mr. and Barclay, Minnie Miss
Hemphill, John J. Mr. and Avery, Addie Miss
Henderson, Benjamin P. Dr. and Alexander, Virgia Miss
Henderson, David M. and McKnight, Sarah
Henderson, George Mr. and Bell, Lisette Miss
Henderson, J. R. Mr. and Benbow, E. A. Miss
Henderson, James M. Mr. and Alllison, Alice Miss
Henderson, R. H. Mr. and Beaver, S. R. Miss
Henderson, Robert and Sample, Martha
Hendricks, S. E. Mr. and Biggerstaff, Lou Miss
Hennegan, W. J. Mr. and Harris, C. P. Miss
Herron, Mac Dr. and Abernathy, Lucy Miss
Hicks, James M. Mr. and Hartsoe, Dovey Miss
Hicks, Robert R. Mr. and Black, Maggie E. Miss
Hildebrand, J. M. Reverend and Abernethy, Lizzie Miss
Hill, A. M. Dr. and Adams, Ora M. Miss
Hill, James Professor and Bell, Maggie Miss
Hill, Thomas Mr. and Lawrance, Ada R. Miss
Hines, A. J. Captain and Ashe, Eliza L. Miss
Hines, William and McLelland, Elizabeth Mrs.
Hinshaw, John Mr. and Wilson, Minnie Miss
Hipp, Joseph and Beaty, Esther Miss
Hipp, Nicholas A. Mr. and Basinger, Alice Miss
Hipp, William and Johnson, Margaret B.
Hirst, Charles T. Mr. and Armstrong, E. A. Miss
Hobbs, James Mr. and Hager, Victoria Mrs.
Hodgins, James Mr. and Merony, Daisy D. Miss
Hodokis, Seth and Caston, Olivia Mrs.
Hoffman, Miles Laban Mr. and Jenkins, Martha Jane Miss
Hoke, Michael and Burton, Frances A.M.
Holbrooks, James F. Mr. and Barrier, Mary A. Miss
Holdbrook, J. M. Mr. and Barringer, Ella Miss
Holden, Thomas C. and Ferrel, Sarah
Holton, Chaarles S. Mr. and Baker, Mary Miss
Holton, Edwin J. Mr. and Allen, Mary Louise Miss
Holton, Edwin J. Mr. and Allison, Mary Louise Miss
Holton, Harrison Mr. and Allison, Lucy A. Miss
Holton, Thomas J. and Jones, Rachel R.
Honeycutt, Isaac C. Mr. and Benton, Mary J. Miss
Honeycutt, John M. Mr. and M., Jennie Miss
Hood, J. Watt Mr. and Biggers, Mary E. Miss
Hood, James T. Mr. and Bernheim, Lisette C. Miss
Hornbuckle, John Edward Mr. and Bailey, Alice Jane Miss
Horton, James Mr. and Thomas, Mary Miss
Horton, John Mr. and Amis, Martha Miss
Hotchkiss, Henry and Standley, Henrietta
House, John G. and Dunlap, Lucinda
Houser, J. F. Mr. and Alexander, Nannie Miss
Houser, Levi H.J. Mr. and Beam, Mary E. Mr.
Houser, Luther Mr. and Bain, Hettie Miss
Houston, J. A. Mr. and McLelland, Mollie Miss
Houston, Samuel M. Mr. and Bilbro, Rosa A. Miss
Houston, William Dr. and Watson, Mary Miss
Houston, William C. Dr. and Nina, Parsons Miss
Houston, William C. Dr. and Parsons, Nina Miss
Howarad, H. A. Mr. and Barkley, Maggie J. Miss
Howard, Ira J. Mr. and Nance, Nancy Jane Miss
Howard, Jonathan M. Mr. and Boatright, Mary A. Miss
Howel, Kinehin and Onsley, Elizabeth
Howie, Frank and Gribble, Pet
Huey, Alexander and Walkup, Elizabeth
Huey, Hercules and McAteer, Margaret
Huey, S. H. Esquire and Robertson, M. E. Miss
Huff, John Mr. and Grizzle, Mollie Miss
Huff, Laban Mr. and Benton, Elizabeth Miss
Huff, Laban Mr. and Benton, Elizabeth Miss
Huff, W. S. Mr. and Graham, Julia Evelyn Miss
Huff, William H. Mr. and Heilig, Hattie V. Miss