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Celebrating the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence: Images and Souvenirs

2004 - Reenactors

Re-enactors at Polk Park (Trade & Tryon Streets, Charlotte, NC) May 20, 2004.

2004 - Reenactors

Re-enactors at Polk Park (Trade & Tryon Streets, Charlotte, NC) May 20, 2004.

2004 - Reenactors

Re-enactors at Polk Park (Trade & Tryon Streets, Charlotte, NC) May 20, 2004.

2004 - Reenactors

Re-enactors at Polk Park (Trade & Tryon Streets, Charlotte, NC) May 20, 2004.

2004 - Reenactors

Re-enactors at Polk Park (Trade & Tryon Streets, Charlotte, NC) May 20, 2004.

2004 - Reenactors

Re-enactors at Polk Park (Trade & Tryon Streets, Charlotte, NC) May 20, 2004.

1975 - Bicentennial Souvenirs

1975 marked the bicentennial of the Mecklenburg Declaration. That year's celebration brought the fourth  presidential visit to celebrate the anniversary: Taft, 1909, Wilson, 1916, Eisenhower, 1954, and Gerald R. Ford in 1975.The special occasion drew large crowds and produced many souvenirs.

    1955 - Voice in the Wilderness

    Voice in the Wilderness, by LeGette Blythe, portrays the influence of Presbyterianism in the signing of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence.