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Buses North Carolina Charlotte

Charlotte Bus Station

Charlotte Bus Station on Trade Street Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: E. C. Kropp Company

North Carolina Bus System

Hayes Bus Lines ran from Charlotte, North Carolina to Columbia, South Carolina. This photograph was taken in front of the Firestone Tire & Rubber company on 5th Street. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy  -  4x5 negative  -  2 copies Publisher: Unknown.

Image Negative: 1
Print: 1

City Buses

Duke Power operated the bus company in Charlotte during the 1930s. The buses parked in front of the trolley car barns on South Boulevard. Drivers are from left to right: Paul Harris, R. H. McLendon, Harry Culp and Dowd McCrorie. The photograph was taken in February of 1936. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy Publisher: Unknown

Tryon Street (North)

Looking north down Tryon Street, once can see the City Hall in the distance.

Physical Description: negatives only


Tryon Street (North)

View of North Tryon Street from Trade Street features cars from the 1950s and the shops that existed at that time.

Physical Description: 8 x 10 black and white


Last Street Car

Dignitaries with a streetcar and one of the buses that would replace streetcars on the last day the streetcars went through Charlotte in May 1938.
Duke Power operated both the street car and the bus system at that time. Physical Description: Negative only Publisher: