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Rocky Spring Meeting House Burial Ground / Rock Springs/ Philadelphia Presbyterian Church - 1st site

County Quadrant: 
Southeast Quadrant
Cemetery Size: 
More than 100 graves
Organization Affiliation: 
Brief Rd.
Mint Hill

This is one of the oldest cemeteries in the area and is the earliest burial ground for the Philadelphia Presbyterian Church in Mint Hill. It is also known as the Ashcraft Cemetery, but it does not have Ashcraft names on the tombstones. It got its name from the old school that once was nearby. The surnames in this cemetery are Harris, Alexander, Moore, Maxwell, Wilson, Robb, Morris, Cuery and Rodger. Lists of those in the cemetery are in a book entitled The Presbyterian Gathering on Clear Creek by Russell Martin Kerr, published by Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, 2001, on pages 402-403.

A team of volunteers is currently working on restoring this cemetery. This cemetery is hard to find due to its wooded location. It is on the north side of Brief Rd. near the intersection with Hwy. 218. It sits about 1500 feet from the road and can be reached by going down a dirt drive to the left of the cemetery.

For additional information on the cemetery, burial records, restoration work, and photos visit the church's website at Philadelphia Presbyterian Church - Historic Cemeteries. 



(1) The Presbyterian Gathering on Clear Creek by Russell Martin Kerr, published by Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, 2001, on pages 402-403.

Condition of Location: 