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Benjamin Patton

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Benjamin Patton was one of the original signers of the Meckenburg Declaration of Independence. Very little is known about Benjamin Patton. He is believed to have moved here from Pennsylvania with other early settlers. Although he first purchased land on 1/24/1762 on Buffalo Creek in Anson County from Governor Arthur Dobbs' royal grant, he later was a citizen of Cabarrus County, Mecklenburg and Cabarrus Counties not having been formed yet.

Since no will has been found in any county where he lived, he may have moved to Tennessee, like others from Cabarrus County. While he was a citizen of Mecklenburg, he served as constable and tax collector.

Patton was also a founder of Poplar Tent Presbyterian Church, no longer in Mecklenburg County. There is no evidence that he married, and no descendants have been found.



(1) King, Victor C. Lives and Times of the 27 Signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence of May 20, 1775. Charlotte, NC, 1956.