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Robert Price

First Name: 
Middle Name: 
Last Name: 

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Died of wounds received during the advance of troops across France. Memorial marker at Britanny, France.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 2-3-1945

Personal Details

Biographical Notes: 
member, Central Steele Creek Presbyterian Church
Family Details: 

Mr. & Mrs. John Price - Steele Creek community, Pineville, NC

Ardrey Price, Grier Price, Lillian Price, Margaret Price, Mrs. G.E. Powers, Sara Price, William Price

Military Details

Military Branch: 
Army Enlisted: 3-19-42
Military Rank: 
Technician 5th grade
Military Unit: 
86th Cavalry Recon Sqd. 6th Armoured Troop D
KIA Date: 
MIA Date: 
KIA / MIA Place: 
Brittany, France
Military Details: 
California, Camp Chaffee, AK, Camp Knox, KY, Camp Young, CA, Louisiana, France
Purple Heart

newsprint and death index, Central Steele Creek Presbyterian Church history