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Glenn Sheathelm

First Name: 
Middle Name: 
Last Name: 
Date of Birth: 
Lansing, MI

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed in action in Germany. Memorial service at Tabernacle ARP on May 26, 1946 for him and 5 other members. Another memorial service held in Michigan.

Age at Death: 27

Image Source: Charlotte Observer 3-16-45

Personal Details

Education Details: 
Michigan State College, graduate 1941
Biographical Notes: 
Tabernacle ARP Church
Family Details: 

Frances King Sheathelm, married Mar 1, 1942. Remarried Brown.: 1626 Central Ave., Charlotte, NC

Mr. William Sheathelm - 736 N Larch St. Lansing, MI, Mrs. Sheathelm (deceased) -

Betty Sheathelm - Lansing, MI, Mrs. M. E. Benedict - Lansing, MI, Rex Sheathelm - Muskeegan, MI, Russell Sheathelm - Lansing, MI, Sgt. Laurence G Sheathelm, US Marines - Washington, Wayne Sheathelm - Flint, MI

Mrs. Alma King - mother-in-law

Military Details

Military Branch: 
Army Enlisted: 1941
Military Rank: 
Military Unit: 
Staff Officer, 290th Field Artillery
KIA Date: 
MIA Date: 
KIA / MIA Place: 
Koln, Germany
Military Details: 
Camp Blanding, FL, Camp Campbell, KY, Camp Shelby, MS, Camp Sutton, NC, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, France, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, Belgium

Newsprint and family information