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Adrian Knox

First Name: 
Middle Name: 
Last Name: 
Date of Birth: 
Davidson, NC

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: On a strafing mission over a tank column he was hit by antiaircraft fire. He escaped the aircraft but his parachute did not open. Buried in Neuville-en-Condroz Military Cemetery, Belgium. Memorial service held at Bethel Presbyterian Church in Cornelius on Dec 30, 1945.

Age at Death: 23

Image Source: Charlotte Observer 4-5-45

Personal Details

Education Details: 
Davidson College class of 41, Davidson High School
Biographical Notes: 
Family Details: 

Mr. Adrian C. Knox - deceased, Mrs. Connie Ethel Knox, formerly of Davidson - 641 Louise Ave. Charlotte, NC

Clara Knox - Charlotte, NC, Connie Knox - Charlotte, NC, Jack Knox, petty officer 2c. - Atlantic Ocean, Lt. Parks Knox - Napier Field, AL, Mrs. C. W. Parker - Mt. Mourne, NC, Mrs. J. H. Washam - Cornelius, NC

Military Details

Military Branch: 
Army Air Corps Enlisted: August 1942
Military Rank: 
2nd Lieutenant
Military Unit: 
P38 Lightning fighter pilot, 474th Fighting Group, 4th Air Force
KIA Date: 
MIA Date: 
KIA / MIA Place: 
Stavelot, Belgium
Military Details: 
Spence Field, GA, Belgium, England, France
Air Medal, Purple Heart, Wings- May 1943

Newsprint, Davidson College Bulletin, annuals and family information