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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Louella Harris Arent Curtis Lee Arent 1944
Caroline Miller Armstrong DeWitt Armstrong 1953
Clarence A. Armstrong Inez Garner Armstrong 1944
DeWitt Armstrong Caroline Miller Armstrong 1956
Ferrie E. Armstrong J. A. Armstrong 1926
George Armstrong Mary Armstrong 1901
J. A. Armstrong Ferrie E. Armstrong 1935
J. A. Armstrong Hattie McCord Townsend Armstrong 1939
Marion Armstrong Betty Gray Armstrong 1946
Marshall L. Armstrong Ava Fisher Armstrong 1945
Wayman Armstrong Lillie Mauney Armstrong 1939
C. W. Arnall Mattie Evelyn Arnall 1941
Amanda Arnette Robert Arnette 1918
J. E. Arnold Mamie Johnson Arnold 1944
Lilly Arnold J. W. Arnold 1910
Lilly Arnold J. W. Arnold 1910
Mabel Elizabeth Arnold William Perry Arnold 1947
Mary A. Arnold James W. Arnold 1954
Nell F. Arnold W. E. Arnold 1924
Ruth Watson Arnold Sherman Arnold 1946
Hilliard Arrowood Almer Arrowood 1948
E. V. Arthur G. M. Arthur 1932
E. V., Mrs. Arthur E. V. Arthur 1932
Georgia Ann Arthur Robert Lee Arthur 1944
J. H. Arthur Norma M. Arthur 1943
Katie Arthur R. P. Arthur 1933
Monie Arthur Sanders Arthur 1954
Robert P., Jr. Arthur Rochelle M. Arthur 1953
Vivian Astor Arthur John H. Arthur 1935
Essie Asbill Earl Asbill 1942
Cleone Willard Asbury S. M. Asbury 1940
Emeron V. Ashby Temperance H. Ashby 1952
Virginia Fletcher Ashcraft John C. Ashcraft 1937
J. D. Ashe Edith Ashe 1927
Theodore Ashford Mary Davis Ashford 1953
Blanch C. Ashley Joe Ashley 1933
Fletcher L. Ashley Ruby M. Ashley 1947
Irene Johnson Ashley R. L. Ashley 1931
Lillian Jane Ashley Cecil Rhodes Ashley 1950
Louise Ashley T. J. Ashley 1945
Thomas Clay Ashley Dessie Mae Ashley 1946
Willie May Ashley Robert Roy Ashley 1955
Fannie Hawkins Ashlin C. C. Ashlin 1925
Connie Harshbarger Ashline Robert J. Ashline 1945
Lillian Ashworth Edward Ashworth 1917
Alma F. Askins H. N. Askins 1927
A. D. Atkins Lura Atkins 1953
Estelle Crump Atkins Herman Atkins 1937
George W. Atkins Porter Atkins 1947
Helen M. Atkins William K. Atkins 1954
Julia Atkins Mack Atkins 1941
N. E. Atkins Tebie Atkins 1933
Alice Austell Atkinson George V. Atkinson 1937
Caroline Stewart Atkinson James M. Atkinson 1929
D. K. Atkinson Elizabeth J. Atkinson 1940
George V. Atkinson Alice A. Atkinson 1937
Willie Atkinson F. J. Atkinson 1933
James T. Atteberry Emma Lou Neely Atteberry 1946
Annie Potts Atwell William Atwell 1944
G. C. Atwell Harriet Atwell 1947
Helen H. Aughtry Franklin Delano Aughtry 1953
A. W., Sr. Austin Lela J. Austin 1946
Ainslie O. Austin Johnnie E. Austin 1950
Bertha Ferrell Austin Morris Austin 1942
Carrie Austin S. G. Austin 1922
Elizabeth S. Austin Clarence Moore Austin 1943
Grace Edwards Austin Jessie C. Austin 1949
Jesse Carl Austin Grace May Austin 1946
Josephine Pauline Austin Ernest Ross Austin 1928
June Austin Brunie Wright Austin 1929
Locke T. Austin Cora Lee Austin 1945
R. A. Austin Lola S. Austin 1915
R. A. (alienation of affection) Austin Mark Conder Austin 1916
Sadie Mills Austin Leonard, Jr. Austin 1949
W. E. Austin Evelyn McGowin Austin 1947
Willie Rose Austin Pharr Austin 1932
Werdna Seemans Austraw Richard F. Austraw 1949
Everett M. Auten Viola Virginia Auten 1936
Robert H. Auten Mary Lucille Auten 1948
Virgie D. Auten Duff Auten 1921
Peggy Ailene Forte Herbert Auten 1951
Dorothy Auton Herbert Auton 1946
Juanita Williams Avant Leslie Avant 1943
Utah Funderburk Avant R. D. Avant 1933
Verla Presson Avant Lester Avant 1932
Arabella Copeland Averitt William A. Averitt 1947
William A. Averitt Arabella Copeland Averitt 1945
Eunice Pressley Avery Dean R. Avery 1945
Jimmie Lee Avery Martha Viola Avery 1945
Jessie Mae Babcock Green B. Avery 1936
Jessie Mae Babcock Green B. Avery 1936
Robert R. Aycock Bobbie J. Aycock 1953
Doris Walters Aycoth Hilton Orville Aycoth 1948
Eleanor King Aycoth Stewart W. Aycoth 1938
Verdie A. Aycoth Robert L. Aycoth 1950
Claude Ayers Louise Anderson Ayers 1939
Ethel Ayers Will Ayers 1919
Frances Ayers W. T. Bass Ayers 1936
Lottie Irene Ayers Walter Brice Ayers 1937
M. M. Ayers Sadie L. Ayers 1949