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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Mamie Berryhill Massey Charles Massey 1930
C. M. McBurnett Mable McBurnett 1930
James I. McCall Grace Louise McCall 1930
Helen S. McCallum James I. McCallum 1930
Mary Maude McCorkle F. M. McCorkle 1930
Elizabeth McGee Richard McGee 1930
M. Allie McGee Harry J. McGee 1930
Carree Meares T. Frank Meares 1930
Mary Della Mintz W. A. Mintz 1930
Minnie Morris Sanford Morris 1930
Suzanne Morrison J. W., Jr. Morrison 1930
Ollie Nash Gordon Nash 1930
Pansy Neal Clarence Neal 1930
J. A. Nipper Emma Nipper 1930
Ruby Nisbet William Chalmers Nisbet 1930
Mary Pappas Spiro Pappas 1930
Marion Taylor Pence Roy H. Pence 1930
Allie Phillips Pethel Pinkney Pethel 1930
Harry G. Pethel Ruth Pethel 1930
C. W. Philemon Dessie Philemon 1930
Julia Poole Fletcher Poole 1930
Julia Poole Fletcher Poole 1930
Minnie Lee Pressley N. C. Pressley 1930
Minnie Lee Pressley N. C. Pressley 1930
William V. Procter Mary K. Procter 1930
William V. Procter Mary K. Procter 1930
Mattie Purgason S. E. Purgason 1930
Mattie Purgason S. E. Purgason 1930
Mildred Gray Rardon Jac R. Rardon 1930
Mildred Gray Rardon Jac R. Rardon 1930
B. D. Robertson Agnes Lucile Robertson 1930
B. D. Robertson Agnes Lucile Robertson 1930
Bleaker Ross Daniel Ross 1930
Bleaker Ross Daniel Ross 1930
M. C. Salassa Pearl Elliott Salassa 1930
M. C. Salassa Pearl Elliott Salassa 1930
Lucille Smith Shields R. B. Shields 1930
Lucille Smith Shields R. B. Shields 1930
Nora Smith Floyd Smith 1930
J. W. Snyder Jennie Snyder 1930
A. Staley Ethel Staley 1930
Estelle G. Strange S. M. Strange 1930
J. O. Sullivan Bessie Thomas Sullivan 1930
Louise F. Taylor F. A. Taylor 1930
Will Taylor Annie Taylor 1930
Vona Thomas W. F. Thomas 1930
Lizzie White Thompson David Thompson 1930
Coralie Timmons Paul D. Timmons 1930
Virginia Perkins Todd J. W. Todd 1930
Clara M. Tomb Max H., Sr. Tomb 1930
Mary Johanna Tomlinson Elsa Block Tomlinson 1930
Mary I. Travaglione Frank Travaglione 1930
Connie Tuttle S. P. Tuttle 1930
Hautie Twisdale Aden F. Twisdale 1930
Geneva Twitty James Herman Twitty 1930
S. M. Villas Margaret Villas 1930
John S. Wallace Alice Atheleen Ragan Wallace 1930
Pearl Walsh John Walsh 1930
J. S. Ward Nannie Ward 1930
Mamie Henderson Williams O. K. Williams 1930
Myrtle Williams Claude W. Williams 1930
Ruth Giles Williams B. E. Williams 1930
Helen D. Wilson D. W. Wilson Wilson 1930
Nollia Barber Wilson Ernest Wilson 1930
C. D. Withers Flossie Withers 1930
M. W. Woolley Lola V. Woolley 1930
Anna Belle Wright Rollie H. Wright 1930
Waller Wynne Paula M. Wynne 1930
Charlie Young Minnie Young 1930
Catherine M. Alexander Howard B. Alexander 1931
John Alexander Ida Alexander 1931
Elizabeth Thomas Anderson Glenn M. Anderson 1931
Irene Johnson Ashley R. L. Ashley 1931
Jeff Davis Baines Eutha R. Baines 1931
Newton J. Baxter Mattie Baxter 1931
Sallie Mae Bell R. L. Bell 1931
Vista Smith Bernard J. O. Bernard 1931
F. T. Billingsley Effie Billingsley 1931
Sallie D. Blackburn J. Thomas Blackburn 1931
Harry G. Blaising Nella Blaising 1931
Viola Helms Blake John C. Blake 1931
Irene Bowers Fred Bowers 1931
Janet Buice Brooks Paschel D. Brooks 1931
Nettie Abney Burgess W. C. Burgess 1931
Laura L. Cannon J. H. Cannon 1931
Eve Cherry Ralph Cherry 1931
Marion T. Clark Algie B. Black 1931
Marion T. Clark Algie B. Black Clark 1931
B. R. Cox Louise Cox 1931
Elba Biggers Culp John Culp 1931
A. G. Daly Mary Artis Daly 1931
William Darnell Annie May Darnell 1931
George B. Dellinger Gertrude M. Dellinger 1931
Marzelle Y. Dillon John F. (alimony) Dillon 1931
Estelle Dooly Hamilton Dooly 1931
Flossie Edwards Spurgeon (alimony) Edwards 1931
Elizabeth Ellis John Ellis 1931
Al Foster Viola Foster 1931
Jesse Mae Franks W. A. Franks 1931
Bessie Freeman Gil P. Freeman 1931