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Divorce Records
For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.
Plaintiff First Name | Plaintiff Last Name | Defendant First Name | Defendant Last Name | Year of Divorce |
Mamie Berryhill | Massey | Charles | Massey | 1930 |
C. M. | McBurnett | Mable | McBurnett | 1930 |
James I. | McCall | Grace Louise | McCall | 1930 |
Helen S. | McCallum | James I. | McCallum | 1930 |
Mary Maude | McCorkle | F. M. | McCorkle | 1930 |
Elizabeth | McGee | Richard | McGee | 1930 |
M. Allie | McGee | Harry J. | McGee | 1930 |
Carree | Meares | T. Frank | Meares | 1930 |
Mary Della | Mintz | W. A. | Mintz | 1930 |
Minnie | Morris | Sanford | Morris | 1930 |
Suzanne | Morrison | J. W., Jr. | Morrison | 1930 |
Ollie | Nash | Gordon | Nash | 1930 |
Pansy | Neal | Clarence | Neal | 1930 |
J. A. | Nipper | Emma | Nipper | 1930 |
Ruby | Nisbet | William Chalmers | Nisbet | 1930 |
Mary | Pappas | Spiro | Pappas | 1930 |
Marion Taylor | Pence | Roy H. | Pence | 1930 |
Allie Phillips | Pethel | Pinkney | Pethel | 1930 |
Harry G. | Pethel | Ruth | Pethel | 1930 |
C. W. | Philemon | Dessie | Philemon | 1930 |
Julia | Poole | Fletcher | Poole | 1930 |
Julia | Poole | Fletcher | Poole | 1930 |
Minnie Lee | Pressley | N. C. | Pressley | 1930 |
Minnie Lee | Pressley | N. C. | Pressley | 1930 |
William V. | Procter | Mary K. | Procter | 1930 |
William V. | Procter | Mary K. | Procter | 1930 |
Mattie | Purgason | S. E. | Purgason | 1930 |
Mattie | Purgason | S. E. | Purgason | 1930 |
Mildred Gray | Rardon | Jac R. | Rardon | 1930 |
Mildred Gray | Rardon | Jac R. | Rardon | 1930 |
B. D. | Robertson | Agnes Lucile | Robertson | 1930 |
B. D. | Robertson | Agnes Lucile | Robertson | 1930 |
Bleaker | Ross | Daniel | Ross | 1930 |
Bleaker | Ross | Daniel | Ross | 1930 |
M. C. | Salassa | Pearl Elliott | Salassa | 1930 |
M. C. | Salassa | Pearl Elliott | Salassa | 1930 |
Lucille Smith | Shields | R. B. | Shields | 1930 |
Lucille Smith | Shields | R. B. | Shields | 1930 |
Nora | Smith | Floyd | Smith | 1930 |
J. W. | Snyder | Jennie | Snyder | 1930 |
A. | Staley | Ethel | Staley | 1930 |
Estelle G. | Strange | S. M. | Strange | 1930 |
J. O. | Sullivan | Bessie Thomas | Sullivan | 1930 |
Louise F. | Taylor | F. A. | Taylor | 1930 |
Will | Taylor | Annie | Taylor | 1930 |
Vona | Thomas | W. F. | Thomas | 1930 |
Lizzie White | Thompson | David | Thompson | 1930 |
Coralie | Timmons | Paul D. | Timmons | 1930 |
Virginia Perkins | Todd | J. W. | Todd | 1930 |
Clara M. | Tomb | Max H., Sr. | Tomb | 1930 |
Mary Johanna | Tomlinson | Elsa Block | Tomlinson | 1930 |
Mary I. | Travaglione | Frank | Travaglione | 1930 |
Connie | Tuttle | S. P. | Tuttle | 1930 |
Hautie | Twisdale | Aden F. | Twisdale | 1930 |
Geneva | Twitty | James Herman | Twitty | 1930 |
S. M. | Villas | Margaret | Villas | 1930 |
John S. | Wallace | Alice Atheleen Ragan | Wallace | 1930 |
Pearl | Walsh | John | Walsh | 1930 |
J. S. | Ward | Nannie | Ward | 1930 |
Mamie Henderson | Williams | O. K. | Williams | 1930 |
Myrtle | Williams | Claude W. | Williams | 1930 |
Ruth Giles | Williams | B. E. | Williams | 1930 |
Helen D. | Wilson | D. W. Wilson | Wilson | 1930 |
Nollia Barber | Wilson | Ernest | Wilson | 1930 |
C. D. | Withers | Flossie | Withers | 1930 |
M. W. | Woolley | Lola V. | Woolley | 1930 |
Anna Belle | Wright | Rollie H. | Wright | 1930 |
Waller | Wynne | Paula M. | Wynne | 1930 |
Charlie | Young | Minnie | Young | 1930 |
Catherine M. | Alexander | Howard B. | Alexander | 1931 |
John | Alexander | Ida | Alexander | 1931 |
Elizabeth Thomas | Anderson | Glenn M. | Anderson | 1931 |
Irene Johnson | Ashley | R. L. | Ashley | 1931 |
Jeff Davis | Baines | Eutha R. | Baines | 1931 |
Newton J. | Baxter | Mattie | Baxter | 1931 |
Sallie Mae | Bell | R. L. | Bell | 1931 |
Vista Smith | Bernard | J. O. | Bernard | 1931 |
F. T. | Billingsley | Effie | Billingsley | 1931 |
Sallie D. | Blackburn | J. Thomas | Blackburn | 1931 |
Harry G. | Blaising | Nella | Blaising | 1931 |
Viola Helms | Blake | John C. | Blake | 1931 |
Irene | Bowers | Fred | Bowers | 1931 |
Janet Buice | Brooks | Paschel D. | Brooks | 1931 |
Nettie Abney | Burgess | W. C. | Burgess | 1931 |
Laura L. | Cannon | J. H. | Cannon | 1931 |
Eve | Cherry | Ralph | Cherry | 1931 |
Marion T. | Clark | Algie B. | Black | 1931 |
Marion T. | Clark | Algie B. Black | Clark | 1931 |
B. R. | Cox | Louise | Cox | 1931 |
Elba Biggers | Culp | John | Culp | 1931 |
A. G. | Daly | Mary Artis | Daly | 1931 |
William | Darnell | Annie May | Darnell | 1931 |
George B. | Dellinger | Gertrude M. | Dellinger | 1931 |
Marzelle Y. | Dillon | John F. (alimony) | Dillon | 1931 |
Estelle | Dooly | Hamilton | Dooly | 1931 |
Flossie | Edwards | Spurgeon (alimony) | Edwards | 1931 |
Elizabeth | Ellis | John | Ellis | 1931 |
Al | Foster | Viola | Foster | 1931 |
Jesse Mae | Franks | W. A. | Franks | 1931 |
Bessie | Freeman | Gil P. | Freeman | 1931 |