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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Vernon Edward Small Florence Jane Small 1937
Mattie Sluder Walter M. Sluder 1929
Mattie Sluder Walter M. Sluder 1929
James D. Sloop Emma Sloop 1938
James D. Sloop Emma Sloop 1938
Josephine Sloop John H. Sloop 1946
Josephine Sloop John H. Sloop 1946
Lillie J. Sloop Frank M. Sloop 1952
Lillie J. Sloop Frank M. Sloop 1952
Polly Garris Sloop William Sloop 1917
Polly Garris Sloop William Sloop 1917
Will A. Sloop Ella Harry Sloop 1938
Will A. Sloop Ella Harry Sloop 1938
Billie D. Sloan Paul J. Sloan 1950
Billie D. Sloan Paul J. Sloan 1950
Cercy Clark Sloan John Sloan 1943
Cercy Clark Sloan John Sloan 1943
G. W. Sloan Miora Sloan 1898
G. W. Sloan Miora Sloan 1898
Lillian W. Sloan Roy Sloan 1944
Lillian W. Sloan Roy Sloan 1944
Maxine Sloan John Walter Sloan 1942
Maxine Sloan John Walter Sloan 1942
Myra C. Sloan Steady A. Sloan 1943
Myra C. Sloan Steady A. Sloan 1943
Myrtle Sloan Lloyd P. Sloan 1947
Myrtle Sloan Lloyd P. Sloan 1947
Paul J. Sloan J. Rachel Carpenter Sloan 1947
Paul J. Sloan J. Rachel Carpenter Sloan 1947
William J. Sloan Maggie Sloan 1936
William J. Sloan Maggie Sloan 1936
Bessie Virginia Slayton Lewis C. Slayton 1926
Bessie Virginia Slayton Lewis C. Slayton 1926
Mary Meyers Slatkin Sam Slatkin 1941
Mary Meyers Slatkin Sam Slatkin 1941
Margaret Slater Ik. B. Slater 1931
Margaret Slater Ik. B. Slater 1931
W. C. Slagle Mable Slagle 1939
W. C. Slagle Mable Slagle 1939
Sam P. Skipworth Louise Putnam Skipworth 1946
Sam P. Skipworth Louise Putnam Skipworth 1946
Betty Medlin Skipper Luther Van Skipper 1954
Betty Medlin Skipper Luther Van Skipper 1954
Dorothy Louise Skipper Jay Lee Skipper 1950
Dorothy Louise Skipper Jay Lee Skipper 1950
H. G. Skipper Lillie Skipper 1933
H. G. Skipper Lillie Skipper 1933
Henry Skipper Lillie Skipper 1916
Henry Skipper Lillie Skipper 1916
Henry L. Skipper Catherine Martha Skipper 1953
Henry L. Skipper Catherine Martha Skipper 1953
Mattie P. Skipper Henry F. Skipper 1944
Mattie P. Skipper Henry F. Skipper 1944
E. E. Skinner R. Della Skinner 1911
E. E. Skinner R. Della Skinner 1911
Lizzie Skinner James W. Skinner 1904
Lizzie Skinner James W. Skinner 1904
Mildred Skinner J. B. Skinner 1942
Mildred Skinner J. B. Skinner 1942
Roy W. Skillman Edna B. Skillman 1954
Roy W. Skillman Edna B. Skillman 1954
Betha Lawing Skidmore Howell M. Skidmore 1938
Betha Lawing Skidmore Howell M. Skidmore 1938
Dennis S. Skidmore Flora M. Skidmore 1952
Dennis S. Skidmore Flora M. Skidmore 1952
Christine D. Skeen Odell I. Skeen 1953
Christine D. Skeen Odell I. Skeen 1953
(Myrtle) Ruth King Sizemore Homer Reid Sizemore 1947
(Myrtle) Ruth King Sizemore Homer Reid Sizemore 1947
Dorothy M. Sizemore Furman O. Sizemore 1941
Dorothy M. Sizemore Furman O. Sizemore 1941
Florence T. Sizemore F. O. Sizemore 1945
Florence T. Sizemore F. O. Sizemore 1945
Isabelle P. Sizemore Walter E. Sizemore 1953
Isabelle P. Sizemore Walter E. Sizemore 1953
Margie Tadlock Sizemore Robert Morrison Sizemore 1952
Margie Tadlock Sizemore Robert Morrison Sizemore 1952
Peggy Hudson Sizemore Marvin Paul Sizemore 1951
Peggy Hudson Sizemore Marvin Paul Sizemore 1951
Violet V. Sizemore Homer J. Sizemore 1947
Violet V. Sizemore Homer J. Sizemore 1947
Zura S. Sizemore James D. Sizemore 1948
Zura S. Sizemore James D. Sizemore 1948
Ethel Gertrude Sitz Arthur O. Sitz 1948
Ethel Gertrude Sitz Arthur O. Sitz 1948
Aritha Sitton Harrison Lee Sitton 1938
Aritha Sitton Harrison Lee Sitton 1938
Carl R. Sistare Edith Rhymer Sistare 1944
Carl R. Sistare Edith Rhymer Sistare 1944
Katherine Witt Sistare Howard Sistare 1938
Katherine Witt Sistare Howard Sistare 1938
Dellma Hart Sistar Walter Baxter Sistar 1939
Dellma Hart Sistar Walter Baxter Sistar 1939
Howard G. Sisk Augusta Ellen Flagg Sisk 1944
Howard G. Sisk Augusta Ellen Flagg Sisk 1944
Idell Sisk Brodus Sisk 1944
Idell Sisk Brodus Sisk 1944
L. C. Sipe Zenobia May Sipe 1948
L. C. Sipe Zenobia May Sipe 1948
Thelma O. M. Singleton Samuel C. Singleton 1945