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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Arial R. Swindler Ella Brown Swindler 1929
Columbus Tankersley Vadia Adams Tankersley 1929
Katharine Stepp Taylor Robert G. Taylor 1929
Lois E. Taylor F. V. Taylor 1929
Nancy E. Summey Taylor Thanasios (aka Arthur Taylor) Katsanis 1929
Ella Teeter William W. Teeter 1929
Wilma Theodore George Theodore 1929
Bonny Thomas Roy Thomas 1929
G. C. Thomas Elsie A. Thomas 1929
Mattie Thompson William Thompson 1929
Essie Thrower Arthur Thrower 1929
W. M. Torrence Kathryne G. Torrence 1929
J. A. Turner Ona Martin Turner 1929
Luretta Turner C. A. Turner 1929
Hallie Wagner Earle Wagner 1929
Vertie Walker Ernest A. Walker 1929
Gladys Wallen Coy Wallen 1929
B. W. Wells Myrtle Wells 1929
Annie White Houston White 1929
Hubert White Madge White 1929
Mabel Wilkerson Lock Wilkerson 1929
Raymond P. Willeford Lucille Willeford 1929
John O. Williams Mary Williams 1929
Pearl Jeane Williamson W. L. Williamson 1929
Martin L. Wilson Willie Wilson 1929
Joseph T. Winfield Lera J. Winfield 1929
Mary Gertrude Woodrow Arthur Eugene Woodrow 1929
Violet S. Woodruff Lee S. Woodruff 1929
L. H. Wray Elizabeth Wray 1929
Alice Zimtbaum Mark Zimtbaum 1929
Hettie F. Abernathy Joseph B. Abernathy 1930
Margaret Alexander C. R. Alexander 1930
Eudosia B. Anderson R. L. Anderson 1930
Pearl Anderson V. E. Anderson 1930
B. O. Baker Selma Baker 1930
Lillie Woodside Bender Henry Bender 1930
Paerl Bielema Paul F. Bielema 1930
H. Blackmon Laura B. Blackmon 1930
H. W. Blandford Margaret Louise Blandford 1930
Nancy E. Bogan J. W. Bogan 1930
Claude Bonnar Rapelia Ford Bonnar 1930
Vara Barnes Braxton Alton Lee Braxton 1930
Viola Brown J. F. Brown 1930
J. E. Brunson Maggie Smyre Brunson 1930
Martha B. Bryant R. M. Bryant 1930
Willie Smith Burgess O. F. Burgess 1930
R. G. Burrage Lilllian Burrage 1930
Eva Funderburk Burroughs Robert Burroughs 1930
Belva Caldwell Ralph T. Caldwell 1930
L. P. Church Bertie Church 1930
Julia Crowder Clyde Crowder 1930
Olive B. Curry Frank W. Curry 1930
Catherine Davis Gordon Davis 1930
Jessie L. Davis H. W. Davis 1930
Katie Davis E. H. Davis 1930
Zoro Doby Davis Z. P. Doby Davis 1930
William G. Dawson Bertha Louise Dawson 1930
Puah Dotson C. S. Dotson 1930
Bessie Dry J. M. Dry 1930
W. A. Edwards Ethel Ruth Patterson Edwards 1930
L. K. Farrar Margaret Farrar 1930
Gretchen Fisher Ed Fisher 1930
Eula Lee C. Forde B. E. Forde 1930
A. S. Gaither Viola Lyda Gaither 1930
Kate R. Gibbon E. M. Gibbon 1930
Margaret Campbell Gibson Clyde M. Gibson 1930
Maggie Green Amos Clyde Green 1930
R. J. Gregory Margaret Gregory 1930
L. O. Haltiwanger J. H. Haltiwanger 1930
Sarah Margaret Harkey W. Joe Harkey 1930
Harold (Harry) Hartwell Elizabeth Hartwell 1930
Amelia Harwell Albert N. Harwell 1930
Elbert N. Harwell Amelia Harwell 1930
Minnie K. Hay William H. Hay 1930
Annie Lois Barley Hefner Junius Robert Hefner 1930
Hattie B. Helms Joseph H. Helms 1930
J. Stafford Helms Etta Helms 1930
Margaret Hendricks R. M Hendricks 1930
Mary Isaac Hicks Robert E. Hicks 1930
Victoria Hill Randolph Hill 1930
Edna Hodge N. G. Hodge 1930
Robert F. Holsey Lizzie I. Holsey 1930
R. F. Honeycutt Mildred Powers Honeycutt 1930
Eunice Howell Lomax Howell 1930
Jeanette M. Howerton H. K. Howerton 1930
J. C. Hurley Carrie S. Hurley 1930
Mrs. H. T. James H. T. James 1930
Hazel Johnson Carl Johnson 1930
O. C. Keeter Carol Ingle Keeter 1930
Loyd Kerley Kathleen Kerley 1930
Bert Kerns Laura Kerns 1930
Edna Kerr Oliver Kerr 1930
A. G. Kritselis Effie (or Ephthenia) Kritselis 1930
Dorothy Krow Emory Krow 1930
Billie Ray Lloyd J. W. Lloyd 1930
Nola Craig Lovell B. M. Lovell 1930
Birdie Cooper Lytle James Edward Lytle 1930
F. K. Majeski Lessie Bowers Majeski 1930
Clinton Martin Ethel S. Martin 1930
Dante Martin Mary Martin 1930