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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Clyde W. Hice Willie Mae Hice 1928
Clyde W. Pittman Kathleen W. Pittman 1951
Clyde W. Roberts Jessie Mae Roberts 1948
Clyde W. Roberts Jessie Mae Roberts 1948
Clyde Wendell Jordan Emma Lee Jordan 1929
Clyde William Marquard Vlema Virginia Marquard 1943
Cole Arba, Jr. Miller Grace Mitchell Miller 1947
Cole B, Sgt. Robertson Mary Juanita Johnson Robertson 1944
Cole B, Sgt. Robertson Mary Juanita Johnson Robertson 1944
Cole L. Blease Steele Elizabeth Hoover Steele 1949
Coleman Johnson Dora Johnson 1944
Coleman B. Lockey Willie Jane Lockey 1953
Coleman Ray Brigman Alberta Mae Brigman 1955
Colette L. Wright Howard D. Wright 1953
Coli Martin Rice Vaughn Rice 1940
Coli Martin Rice Vaughn Rice 1940
Colleen Elizabeth Craver Charles Lee, Jr. Craver 1952
Collie Alexander Nannie Lou Ford Alexander 1951
Collie Williams Irma K. Williams 1948
Colon Hunter Langford Mabel Irene Langford 1935
Colon William Brown Eugene Brown 1946
Columbus Quinn Eunice Quinn 1918
Columbus Quinn Eunice Quinn 1918
Columbus Tankersley Vadia Adams Tankersley 1929
Columbus W. Chastain Geneva Bridges Chastain 1950
Connie Barfield Clayton D. Barfield 1948
Connie Gurley W. D. Gurley 1911
Connie Secrest Zeb Vance Secrest 1935
Connie Secrest Zeb Vance Secrest 1935
Connie Tuttle S. P. Tuttle 1930
Connie E. Hackney Robert H. Hackney 1942
Connie Harshbarger Ashline Robert J. Ashline 1945
Connie K. Starnes Woodrow W. Starnes 1955
Connie Lucille Blackard William D. Blackard 1921
Connie Mae Hayes H. B. Hayes 1941
Connie Simpson Mitchell R. J. Mitchell 1931
Connor E. Taylor Esthyr V. Taylor 1942
Connor Edward Taylor Virginia Green Taylor 1947
Conrad M. Phillips Ethel Mae Phillips 1952
Constance Young Rosie Belle Grier Young 1945
Constance Ehly Tatro (Tetro) Robert John Tatro (Tetro) 1941
Constance Hart Cowell H. S., Jr. Cowell 1933
Constance Small Williams Charles E. Williams 1936
Conway Nolan Ruby Lee Harp Nolan 1941
Cooper H. Rozzelle Catherine W. Rozzelle 1954
Cooper H. Rozzelle Catherine W. Rozzelle 1954
Cora Butler A. C. Butler 1916
Cora Farrar Albert Farrar 1940
Cora Funderburk R. C. Funderburk 1918
Cora McRorie Luke McRorie 1925
Cora Morrison E. M. Morrison 1920
Cora Nickerson Charlie Nickerson 1927
Cora Saxton Charles Saxton 1944
Cora Saxton Charles Saxton 1944
Cora A. Aldridge William M. Aldridge 1907
Cora A. Colbert Luther C. Colbert 1945
Cora Bell Herndon Albert Herndon 1954
Cora Brown McGinnis Wayne T. McGinnis 1942
Cora Jones Hall Hubert Hall 1954
Cora Lee Bradshaw Lowen Tally Bradshaw 1938
Cora Lee Marze coy Marze 1948
Cora M. Bramlette Hugh T. Bramlette 1934
Cora P. Webber Paul G. Webber 1951
Cora W. Morgan George Stewart Morgan 1941
Cora Watkins Templeton G. L. Templeton 1938
Coralie Timmons Paul D. Timmons 1930
Cordell Gilmore Naomi Gilmore 1946
Cordia T. Kennedy C. H. Kennedy 1944
Cordie Meggs Brady Meggs 1917
Corine Delk Hargett Ray Hargett 1945
Corine Erwin Grier Ralph Porter Grier 1947
Corinne Mako John Paul Mako 1948
Corinne Richardson Arthur Richardson 1944
Corinne Richardson Arthur Richardson 1944
Corliss Tadlock Loyd Harrison D. Loyd 1947
Cornelia Finley Walter M. Finlay 1941
Cornelia Meacham M. S. (Vesper) Meacham 1916
Cornelia Dowd Folger Lee A. Folger 1952
Cornelia M. Neely Samuel A. Neely 1950
Cornelia Neal Sharp George Carl Sharp 1948
Cornelia Neal Sharp George Carl Sharp 1948
Cornelia R. Murtishaw Benjamin F. Murtishaw 1883
Cornelia Threatt Brunson Fred E. Brunson 1944
Cornelia W. Henderson Thomas B. Henderson 1943
Cornelius Turner Bennett Margaret Furr Bennett 1955
Cornella Neal Lee Neal 1931
Cornellia Means Thomas W. Means 1921
Corrie Cole Griffin Wilborn Graham Griffin 1951
Corrie Hart Raynaud Joseph W. Raynaud 1944
Corrie Hart Raynaud Joseph W. Raynaud 1944
Corrie J. Eudy Milas T. Eudy 1924
Corrie Katherine Schwartz Leo Henry Schwartz 1946
Corrie Katherine Schwartz Leo Henry Schwartz 1946
Cother W. Boone Beulah L. Boone 1946
Courtney Jones Willis A. Murat Willis 1947
Coy Ross Ruth Kennedy Ross 1936
Coy Ross Ruth Kennedy Ross 1936
Craig J. Yandle Ralph M. Yandle 1953
Craven P. Hill Margaret Deal Hill 1951
Creola Wallace John Wallace 1949