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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
W. H. Hobson Thompson Ethel May Thompson 1948
W. H., Jr. O`Daniel Katie Armstrong O`Daniel 1954
W. Hilbert Mitchell Eula Parsons Mitchell 1941
W. Hosea Moss Lottie Moss 1902
W. Howard Helms Aline Hudson Helms 1947
W. J . Bailey Ellie Bailey 1927
W. J. Benjamin Lessie Benjamin 1900
W. J. Dixon Beatrice R. Dixon 1943
W. J. Ecklar Etna Lemon Ecklar 1943
W. J. Harry Leola Harry 1922
W. J. Hilton Lillian Hilton 1919
W. J. Hunter Viola Hunter 1935
W. J. Ingram Mary Ann Ingram 1925
W. J. Johnson Lonnie Johnson 1922
W. J. Parker Eureka Parker 1897
W. J. Weber Bertha Bell Weber 1924
W. L. Ayers Billie May Ayers 1937
W. L. Brown Roberta R. Brown 1940
W. L. Davis May Cleo C. Davis 1939
W. L. Downs Mary Bolich Downs 1952
W. L. Etheredge Annie Lucille Etheredge 1925
W. L. Lockman Annie Belk Lockman 1948
W. L. Lockman Mae Lockman 1944
W. L. Puckett Ivey Owens Puckett 1950
W. L. Puckett Ivey Owens Puckett 1950
W. L. Shields Mattie Shields 1938
W. L. Shields Mattie Shields 1938
W. L. Stephenson Myrtle G. Stephenson 1936
W. M. Davis Emma Davis 1941
W. M. Gray Beatrice Gray 1937
W. M. Howard Margaret Harris Potts Howard 1934
W. M. Huff Lucille Huff 1934
W. M. Osborne Charlotte C. Osborne 1940
W. M. Ray Beatrice Ray 1922
W. M. Ray Beatrice Ray 1922
W. M. Torrence Kathryne G. Torrence 1929
W. M. Vaughn Annie Mae Vaughn 1950
W. M. Williamson Anna Williamson 1934
W. M., Rev. Kirk E. T. Kirk 1906
W. O. Stewart Marion Elner Stewart 1938
W. P. Hux Hattie Hux 1890
W. P. Smith Kate B. Smith 1941
W. P. Taylor Melvin Taylor 1916
W. R. Alsobrooks Naomi Alsobrooks 1939
W. R. Helms Velner H. Helms 1947
W. R. Jackson Ernestine Jackson 1946
W. R. Kiker Flossie Scott Kiker 1943
W. R. Maddox Fanny Maddox 1901
W. R. Medlin Myrtle Medlin 1946
W. R. Stilwell Eula Maie Stilwell 1942
W. R. Waldrup Matilda Davis Waldrup 1928
W. R. Whitley Pansy R. Whitley 1946
W. R., Jr. Allen Ruth Marie Dennis Allen 1946
W. R., Jr. Jones Asimina Jones 1946
W. Rufus Mullis Carrie Lee Mullis 1944
W. S. Drye Almah Drye 1935
W. S. Drye Nellie Carter Drye 1948
W. S. Fletcher Minnie Fletcher 1923
W. S. Lathan Linnie Bryant Lathan 1953
W. S. Marshall Eulah Marshall 1920
W. S. Sharp Minnie Lee Sharp 1935
W. S. Sharp Minnie Lee Sharp 1935
W. Scott Todd Frances West Todd 1948
W. Stowe Greene Lillian Hall Greene 1949
W. T. Davis Dona L. Davis 1913
W. T. Echols Myrtle Echols Echols 1914
W. T. French Ruth French 1927
W. T. Garris Ada Mae Garris 1954
W. T. Thurmon Francis N. Thurmon 1896
W. T. Williams Rosetta Berry Williams 1945
W. T. J. Blackmon Maggie J. Blackmon 1914
W. W. Deaton Martha Addie Deaton 1950
W. W. Garrison Evelyn K. Garrison 1935
W. W. Harrison Amanda Harrison 1907
W. W. Lake Laura R. Lake 1937
W. W. Meeks Kathleen G. Meeks 1941
W. W. Scotten Gladys Scotten 1928
W. W. Scotten Gladys Scotten 1928
W. W. Singleton Helen M. Singleton 1944
W. W. Singleton Helen M. Singleton 1944
W. W. Stubbs Jane M. Stubbs 1931
W. William Sunderlin Lois Gibson Sunderlin 1943
W. Y. Irby Pauline Irby 1940
W. Y. Vestal Peggy Fay Hicks Vestal 1944
W.B. Fincher Vernice Gilmore Fincher 1946
W.L. Wood Anna C. Wood 1941
Waddell Barber Annie Mae Barber 1944
Wade Kerr Maria Kerr 1918
Wade Allen Helms Dorothy LeGrante Crites Helms 1949
Wade E. Barbour Juanita Barbour 1943
Wade H. Moser Doris L. Moser 1950
Wade W. Marlow Ruby Jo Marlow 1951
Wahlena Dyches Puz Milan Puz 1953
Wahlena Dyches Puz Milan Puz 1953
Walker Martin Rose Kimbell Martin 1949
Walker McGuire Lenoria McGuire 1941
Walker L. Moore Mary Elizabeth Moore 1946
Wallace McLillie Angie McLillie 1903
Wallace Young Lois B. Young 1941
Wallace Young Minnie Young 1906