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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Leatha Sizer Dennis Edward Dennis 1953
Clara Johnson Dickson Louie J. Dickson 1953
Dorothy E. Dickson Ralph A., Jr. Dickson 1953
James G. Dix Gracie Dix 1953
J. Cecil Dover Nancy Q. Dover 1953
Margie L. Duby Todd Duby 1953
Ruth J. Duncan Walker J., Jr. Duncan 1953
Carl Wilford Dunn Ruth Deal Dunn 1953
Russell Lee W. Dunn Shirley Anderson Dunn 1953
Marjorie Graham Durant Harry N. Durant 1953
Zenobia Durant Jack Durant 1953
Peggie Marline Duvall Melmuth (Mulmouth) Duvall 1953
Mildred Eberhart John Ed Eberhart 1953
Julius Randolph Eberthardt Mitchell K. Eberhardt 1953
Fletcher E. Edens Hazel B. Edens 1953
Elva Mae Ferrell Edwards Roy Marion Edwards 1953
Blanche F. Ellis Cobe B. Ellis 1953
Carl L. Ellis Eva Lee Helms Ellis 1953
Lucile C. Elmore Keeney E . Elmore 1953
Hallie McIntyre Emerson Robert Emerson 1953
Anne C. Eminisor Kelly E. Eminissor 1953
Robert S. Ennis Eda Mae Ennis 1953
Callie Fowler Ervin E. F. Ervin 1953
Helen S. Eubanks Robert G. Eubanks 1953
Carrie Lee F. Ewing Bert C. Ewing 1953
Joyce Ann Farmer Henry E. Farmer 1953
Betty Lou Fenn T. J. (alimony) Fenn 1953
Robbie Lillian Kelly Fennell Hall Hemphill Fennell 1953
Andree Duval Ferguson Curtis Woodrow Ferguson 1953
Charlie Ferguson Joyce Cambell Ferguson 1953
Lula Mae K. Fesperman Plato Fesperman 1953
Ralph E. Fickenworth Mamie Iris Fickenworth 1953
Inez F. Fiss Edward C. Fiss 1953
Martha J. Fite Jack Leroy Fite 1953
E. J. Fitzgerald Mary Eaton Fitzgerald 1953
Ethel Goins Flanders Charles (Dan) Flanders 1953
Hubert H. Flynn Cora Flynn 1953
J. R. Forbis Helen L. Forbis 1953
Clarence B. Foster Elette Y. Foster 1953
E. D. Foster Alice Elizabeth Foster 1953
Frederick C. Foster Lyla Foster 1953
Irene R. Foster Edward F., Jr. Foster 1953
Rhoda Fowler Harry H. Fowler 1953
Ruby Frazier Albert Lee Frazier 1953
Willie Joe Frederick Mattie Belle Frederick 1953
Patsy Lee Furr Ira Aubrey Furr 1953
Ann Carolyn Gaffney James Boyce Gaffney 1953
Mary E. Gamble Joseph Gamble 1953
Francis O., Jr. Garren Verna Mae Garren 1953
Mildred H. Garris Marion P. Garris 1953
Louie S., Jr. Gattis Sara Ellen Deitz Gattis 1953
Janet Carolyn Gentry James A. Gentry 1953
Laura Gentry Booker T. Gentry 1953
Lorene M. Gibson Golden Gibson 1953
Garrison Brown Gilbert Geneva Prevett Gilbert 1953
Esther Ruth Gillespie James K., Sr. (alimony) Gillespie 1953
Julia Lavada Godfrey Johnnie Walker Godfrey 1953
Ruby S. Godfrey Lake W. Godfrey 1953
Plummer J. Gordon Connie W. Gordon 1953
Frank H. Gosnell Dorothy C. Gosnell 1953
Sara Ann Goude John Paul Goude 1953
Lucy McCraw Grant John W. Grant 1953
Marietta Grant Allen U. Grant 1953
Julia Kathryn Gravette Marvin Ellis Gravette 1953
Bernice Taylor Green Paul Lanford Green 1953
G. C. Green Elsie Green 1953
Marshall M., Jr. Grice Martha Lyon Grice 1953
Birtie Lee Grier Lester Grier Grier 1953
Betty E. Griggs Frank, Jr. Griggs 1953
Jo Ann Grissom Charles Kenneth Grissom 1953
Pauline Hagler John Hagler 1953
Dorothy Gaston Halderman Samuel B. Halderman 1953
Anita Hall David Jackson Hall 1953
Catherine Hall Eddie Hall 1953
Peggy White Hall James Richard Hall 1953
Joe T. Hammett Nann L. Hammett 1953
Edward P. Hammond Harriett Bryant Hammond 1953
Arthur B. Hampton Retta Little Hampton 1953
Maudie Hannon Billy E. (alimony) Hannon 1953
Billy Brooks Marsh Harkey Daniel Edward Harkey 1953
Rudolph Harris Sara Washington Harris 1953
Edna E. Hartis F. B. Hartis 1953
Pearl Lee Hartis Sidney Alexander Hartis 1953
Ralph E. Hartman Laura Alberta F. Hartman 1953
Shirley P. Harty William R. Harty 1953
Mildred Marie Hasty Reginald Hasty 1953
Emma Jetton Hathaway Richard E. Hathaway 1953
Frances Furr Hatley Coy Sylvester Hatley 1953
Anna Reese Hearn (e) Rayvon Hearn (e) 1953
Alice S. Helms John D. Helms 1953
Doris Helms E(ugene) C. Helms 1953
Charlotte L. Herbert John Herbert 1953
Lucy Alice Ross Hernandez Paul C. Hernandez 1953
Anna Frances Hess Dilber E, Sr. Hess 1953
Dilbert E, Sr. Hess Anna Frances Hess 1953
Laura Lucille Hickman John H. Hickman 1953
Alice Dixon Hill Johnnie B. Hill 1953
Jake Hipps Cornelia Toland Hipps 1953
John Shelby Hobbs Gladys Roberts Hobbs 1953
Ollie Mae Hoey William O. Hoey 1953