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Divorce Records
For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.
Plaintiff First Name | Plaintiff Last Name | Defendant First Name | Defendant Last Name | Year of Divorce |
Catherine P. | Dellinger | Johnnie L. | Dellinger | 1956 |
Kenneth | Diamond | Katie | Diamond | 1956 |
Guy S. | Earley | Irene Callehan | Earley | 1956 |
Hardy Alton | Griffin | Evelyn Conners | Griffin | 1956 |
Harold D. | Harmon | Mary Prime | Harmon | 1956 |
Jesse J. | Helms | Doris Crestwell | Helms | 1956 |
Ernest | Hicks | Lois | Hicks | 1956 |
Frank C. | Hill | Mildred Brock | Hill | 1956 |
Barbara G. | Hodge | Henry Adam | Hodge | 1956 |
Marion A. | Honeycutt | Mary Helen | Honeycutt | 1956 |
Dorothy Hedrick | Jackson | Vernon D. | Jackson | 1956 |
Edith V. | Johnson | William Albert | Johnson | 1956 |
Gayle H. | Jolly | Harvey F. | Jolly | 1956 |
Emma Rose | Koon | Charles Henry | Koon | 1956 |
Mildred R. | Long | Joel E. | Long | 1956 |
Mildred Corren | Megorden | Richard B. | Megorden | 1956 |
Maxwell | Minis | Euzella | Minis | 1956 |
William C. | Orth | Bette Walton | Orth | 1956 |
Betty Ann | Parker | Cecil Ward | Parker | 1956 |
Thomas H. | Parker | Doris Marie Clark | Parker | 1956 |
Glenda McCall | Patterson | Manifred Calvin | Patterson | 1956 |
Eugene | Penny | Sula Mae Hendrix | Penny | 1956 |
Leola P. | Plyler | Ward E. | Plyler | 1956 |
Leola P. | Plyler | Ward E. | Plyler | 1956 |
Ben A. | Porter | Lola Harris | Porter | 1956 |
Ben A. | Porter | Lola Harris | Porter | 1956 |
Myrtle Shearn | Ramsey | Edward B. | Ramsey | 1956 |
Myrtle Shearn | Ramsey | Edward B. | Ramsey | 1956 |
Margaret H. | Rollins | Jackson Wilton | Rollins | 1956 |
Margaret H. | Rollins | Jackson Wilton | Rollins | 1956 |
Florence Louise | Schloss | Simeon A. | Schloss | 1956 |
Florence Louise | Schloss | Simeon A. | Schloss | 1956 |
Rachel V. | Smith | Robert L. | Smith | 1956 |
Ida Belle | Tench | Vonnie Ezell | Tench | 1956 |
Susie McLees | Todd | Wayne A., Jr. | Todd | 1956 |
Willie Deese | Turner | Woodrow Wilson | Turner | 1956 |
Delene A. | Ward | Jay L. | Ward | 1956 |
Tommye | Witherspoon | Melvin T. | Witherspoon | 1956 |
Hazel H. | Aberson | James A. | Aberson | 1955 |
Margaret W. | Abrams | Charles G. | Abrams | 1955 |
Hazel H. | Alberson | James A. | Alberson | 1955 |
Cynthia O`Nary Wells | Aldred | Junnie L. | Aldred | 1955 |
Mattie Lee | Alexander | Ralph J. | Alexander | 1955 |
Clinton Thomas | Allen | Helen Vick | Allen | 1955 |
Gerald D. | Allen | Frances B. | Allen | 1955 |
Ruth Hill | Allen | William G., Sr. | Allen | 1955 |
Thomas E. | Allen | Gwendolyn Scott Raft | Allen | 1955 |
Frances E. McGuirt | Alred | Edwin Cecil | Alred | 1955 |
Willie May | Ashley | Robert Roy | Ashley | 1955 |
Mattie Tallent | Bailey | John Knox, Jr. | Bailey | 1955 |
C. Howard | Ballard | Love Morgan | Ballard | 1955 |
Elizabeth Curry | Barnett | Pink | Barnett | 1955 |
Homer | Barton | Betty Anne | Barton | 1955 |
Glenn W. | Beach | Inez K. | Beach | 1955 |
Robert J. | Beamon | Helen Vivian | Beamon | 1955 |
Jewell Clafton | Beatty | James Russell | Beatty | 1955 |
Hazel Ino | Beck | William Carl | Beck | 1955 |
Alvin M. | Beckwith | Pauline McKnight | Beckwith | 1955 |
Emma Lee Peterson | Belk | Hollie | Belk | 1955 |
Cornelius Turner | Bennett | Margaret Furr | Bennett | 1955 |
Jo Ann W. | Bennett | James Fuller | Bennett | 1955 |
R. W. | Bennick | Helen Weaver | Bennick | 1955 |
Frances Julian | Bishop | Harry Paul | Bishop | 1955 |
William | Blackshear | Gloria | Blackshear | 1955 |
Mabel Green | Blood | Robert Taitt | Blood | 1955 |
James | Blunt | Daisy | Blunt | 1955 |
Elma Beasley | Bost | Junious Lee | Bost | 1955 |
Jacqueline | Bowser | Joseph | Bowser | 1955 |
Claude D. | Boyd | Annie Laura | Boyd | 1955 |
Bessie Marie Simpson | Brank | Roy Alonzo | Brank | 1955 |
James Herbert | Brank | Betty Lou | Brank | 1955 |
Nell Scism | Bridges | Robert E. | Bridges | 1955 |
Coleman Ray | Brigman | Alberta Mae | Brigman | 1955 |
Joel B. | Brookshire | Frances Willard | Brookshire | 1955 |
Danetta | Brown | Doctor J. | Brown | 1955 |
John E. | Brown | Hattie | Brown | 1955 |
Joan Jonas | Bruns | George Duffie, Jr. | Bruns | 1955 |
Helen Louise Hennen | Bryant | Robert Edgar (alias George Robert Bryant) | Bryant | 1955 |
Velma Veoria | Bumgarner | Harry Delbert | Bumgarner | 1955 |
Gloria A. | Burgess | Kenneth Lee | Burgess | 1955 |
Nettie Abney | Burgess | William Chester | Burgess | 1955 |
Audrey | Caldwell | Claude | Caldwell | 1955 |
Edith B. | Calhoun | Roy Tilmon | Calhoun | 1955 |
Mary Virginia | Cash | James Clay | Cash | 1955 |
Betty Jean | Chavis | Bobby Lee | Chavis | 1955 |
Peggy Marion Dorsett | Chisum | Steve Jack | Chisum | 1955 |
Margaret Fox | Christenbury | Roy L. | Christenbury | 1955 |
Jack Edward | Christensen | Doris F. | Christensen | 1955 |
Grady L. | Cloninger | Ruby H. | Cloninger | 1955 |
Cecil Hurley | Cobb | Margaret G. | Cobb | 1955 |
Virginia Jo | Cohan | Foster B. | Cohan | 1955 |
Julia Jones | Coleman | Sylvester | Coleman | 1955 |
Diane Dickerson | Collins | Thomas B. | Collins | 1955 |
Mary M. | Condiff | Charles W. | Condiff | 1955 |
Dixie Herring | Conner | Andrew Jackson | Conner | 1955 |
Mary Helen O`Neill | Cooler | Howard Leonard | Cooler | 1955 |
Walter R. | Cooper | May Boogs | Cooper | 1955 |
Aileen Shuford | Coppala | Charles W. | Coppala | 1955 |
Emmett | Covington | Hattie | Covington | 1955 |
Harley Lee | Crews | Mary Flossie | Crews | 1955 |