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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Elma R. Mason James H. Mason 1903
John Massey Fronie Massey 1903
J. A. McCall Lizzie McCall 1903
Richard McCall Hattie McCall 1903
Joseph McClure Nora McClure 1903
Wallace McLillie Angie McLillie 1903
R. H. McManus Ruth C. McManus 1903
Pattsy Patton Frank Patton 1903
Paul Pharr Bessie Pharr 1903
W. C. Presley Virgie Presley 1903
W. C. Presley Virgie Presley 1903
L. W. Rivers H. M. Rivers 1903
L. W. Rivers H. M. Rivers 1903
Milton Ross Nannie Ross 1903
Milton Ross Nannie Ross 1903
Mary C. Simpson John E. Simpson 1903
Mary C. Simpson John E. Simpson 1903
H. O. Sweger E. V. Sweger 1903
Sarah Torrence Ben Torrence 1903
Will Walker Lucinda Walker 1903
J. D. Weaver Rose Vanderburg Weaver 1903
Elenora Werner Adolphus Werner 1903
Henry Wilson Minnie Wilson 1903
T. B. Ayers Carrie Ayers 1904
Robert A. Beattie Hattie E. Beattie 1904
Minnie Boger Caleb Boger 1904
Mathias Boulware Hattie Boulware 1904
George Brewer Ella Brewer 1904
Almetta Virginia Broom A. H. Broom 1904
Fannie Bruner Charles A. Bruner 1904
Daniel Bryce Laura Bryce 1904
Oscar Crane Annie Crane 1904
John Crawford Mary Crawford 1904
Shed Culp Willie Culp 1904
Elva Daniels E. H. Daniels 1904
E. A. DeArmond Lillian DeArmond 1904
Haywood Donaldson Lina Donaldson 1904
Charles H. Dudley Minnie S. Dudley 1904
Maggie Swing Emmonds Walter Emmonds 1904
Dimbo Evans Lou Evans 1904
Willie Golden Arthur Golden 1904
Bettie Gordon Dunk Gordon 1904
George Gray Lula Gray 1904
A. E. Grice James M. Grice 1904
Lillie L. Hancock Herbert T. Hancock 1904
John Holt Anne Moore Holt 1904
Julia S. Holt Ernest A. Holt 1904
Bettie Huey Ellison Huey 1904
Laura Hunter Lee Hunter 1904
J. H. Jones Myra B. Jones 1904
Bessie Knox W. G. Knox 1904
Sallie J. Long D. A. Long 1904
L. McLaughlin W. E. McLaughlin 1904
Robert Miller Lou Miller 1904
Maggie Moore Frank Moore 1904
T. G. Northey Mollie Northey 1904
T. R. Ritch Bettie Ritch 1904
T. R. Ritch Bettie Ritch 1904
Mattie Simmonds Rose Simmonds 1904
Mattie Simmonds Rose Simmonds 1904
Lizzie Skinner James W. Skinner 1904
Lizzie Skinner James W. Skinner 1904
Ida L. Smith W. J. Smith 1904
Bessie Pauline Strickland James Russell Strickland 1904
R. L. Wade Cordie Wade 1904
Jennie Caskey R. S. Caskey 1905
R. L. C. Cornelius Martha Cornelius 1905
Charlotte Crosby Henry Crosby 1905
Morrison Crump Mollie Smith Crump 1905
Reuben Cureton Anna Cureton 1905
Jennie Gilmore Will Gilmore 1905
E. W. Grass Hettie Grass 1905
H. G. Hill Nannie Mills Hill 1905
Rosa L. Hunt Columbus Hunt 1905
Mary Hurdle Levi Hurdle 1905
John Ingram Connie Ingram 1905
Nannie R. Knox Claude S. Knox 1905
Mary Long Thomas P. Long 1905
Sarah C. Maddrey Joe A. Maddrey 1905
Lee G. Miller Ada Miller 1905
William Moore Mary Moore 1905
John Orr Florence Orr 1905
Ernest Taylor Maggie Taylor Taylor 1905
Irene C. Weddington J. F. Weddington 1905
Daisy Westnedge William L. Westnedge 1905
Ida Williams Frank Williams 1905
Wilson Williams Emma Williams 1905
Lula Ardrey John Ardrey 1906
Jesse Denner Nannie Denner 1906
J. C. Flowers Neely Crawford Flowers 1906
Dave Frazier Mamie Frazier 1906
S. E. Frazier Willie May Frazier 1906
Mamie A. Gladden Claud P. Gladden 1906
John Green Nan Green 1906
Will Harris Virgie Harris 1906
Eli Jewell Parilee Jewell 1906
W. M., Rev. Kirk E. T. Kirk 1906
Sadie P. Nunn Elijah Nunn 1906
R. W. Roberts Annie Lee Roberts 1906
R. W. Roberts Annie Lee Roberts 1906