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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Edward I. Greene Margaret D. Greene 1952
William David Greene Mary Viola Greene 1952
Dorcus Leigh Britt Greenfield Luther Edward Greenfield 1952
Doris Greer Jannie Mae Greer 1952
Essie Mae Gregory William Gregory 1952
Martha Grice Marshall M., Jr. (alimony) Grice 1952
Lucy Grier Hazel Grier 1952
Alice Jean Griffin Homer A. Griffin 1952
Hilda Hanes Griffin John Edward Griffin 1952
Catherine Coggins Grigg J. C. Grigg 1952
Betty Harrington Gulledge Joseph L. Gulledge 1952
Evelyn Owens Gunter Dale Franklin Gunter 1952
George Gunther Iva W. Gunter 1952
Margaret L. Haines James E. Haines 1952
Worthy DeWitt Hairston Ilda S. Hairston 1952
D. W. Hall Essie Lee Hall 1952
Jewel Fowler Hall William G. Hall 1952
Shirley Lee Hall Roy W. Hall 1952
Mary B. Halliburton W. H., Jr. Halliburton 1952
Mildred Williams Hamit William T. Hamit 1952
Retta Little Hampton Arthur Barnes (alimony) Hampton 1952
Margie B. Hamrick Robert Thomas Hamrick 1952
Louise Hyde Hancock John Ross Hancock 1952
Louise Barnett Hanks Carl Hanks 1952
Peggy R. Hardin James T. Hardin 1952
Alice B. Hargett Grady Hargett 1952
Effie Kimbro Hargett Walter J. Hargett 1952
H. B. Hargett Frances Beam Willins Rollins Hargett 1952
Mildred V. Harrington Charlie P. (alimony) Harrington 1952
Doris E. Harris George L. (alimony) Harris 1952
Dorothy Rouse Harris Aubrey E. Harris 1952
Faye Lindsay Harris James D. Harris 1952
Hattie Houston Harris Bert Harris 1952
Macy Harris William D. (alimony) Harris 1952
Rosanna C. Harris William R., Jr. Harris 1952
Christopher Columbus Harrison Irma Davidson Harrison 1952
Sidney A. Hartis Pearl L. Hartis 1952
Hurley Hasty Tressie Hasty 1952
Barbara N. Hathcock James Ray Hathcock 1952
Helen S. Hathcock Luther E. Hathcock 1952
Elsie Nola Hayer Charlie Johnston Hayer 1952
Augusta Ruth Heath Lester Worth Heath 1952
Leonard W. Hedrick Sally Isabelle Hedrick 1952
Patricia Bass Hefkey John V. Hefkey 1952
Dorothy LeGrant Crites Helms Wade Allen Helms 1952
Mike Helms Betty Mae H. Helms 1952
Virginia Holmes Helms Oris Kelly Jr. Helms 1952
Marie Z. Henderson Kenneth Lee Henderson 1952
Thomas S. Herron Mary Montgomery Herron 1952
Violet Verner Hicks Robert U. Hicks 1952
Betty Jean Hildreth John Wilson Hildreth 1952
Edith Sullivan Hoagland Lee Roy, Jr. Hoagland 1952
Lois Haas Holler Richard E. Holler 1952
James Holley Mary S. Holley 1952
Dorothy Horne Warren Cecil Horne 1952
Jessie May Hoskins Frank, Jr. Hoskins 1952
Merle H. House Harry Reid House 1952
Rebecca L. Howarth Harvey James Howarth 1952
Ethel Mae Hughes Harry B. Hughes 1952
Polly C. Hughes J. F. Hughes 1952
Jasper S. Hunt Eleanor B. Hunt 1952
Julia Parks Hunter Arthur Owens Hunter 1952
Mary Edna Huntley Ellis M. Huntley 1952
Winnifred L. Hyatt Henry S. Hyatt 1952
Inis Linker Ingle Donald A. Ingle 1952
Hubert Jackson Alice Mae Jackson 1952
Kenneth Otto Jackson Thelma L. Jackson 1952
Permilla F. D. Jackson Jessie F. Jackson 1952
Kathleen Cora James Lacy Eldridge James 1952
Nettie Sue Jarrell Floyd Jarrell 1952
Beatrice Duren Johnson Clifford S. Johnson 1952
C. C. Johnson Iola B. Johnson 1952
Eddie Johnson Almetta Maxwell Johnson 1952
James Calvin Johnson Annie Ree McCorkle Johnson 1952
Martin C., Jr. Johnson Catherine Helena Johnson 1952
Midgean T. Johnson Albert Reid Johnson 1952
Patsy Ann McQuay Johnson Robert E. Johnson 1952
Ralph Lawton Jolly Betty Van Sickle Jolly 1952
Geraldine Torrence Jones Henry Thomas Jones 1952
John J. Jones Norma Ledford Jones 1952
Selma Elizabeth Jones Ivey Gillead Jones 1952
Wilma Anita Jones Raymond Alexander Jones 1952
Vester Jordan Bertie W. Jordan 1952
Eunice R. Karnes Howard M. Karnes 1952
Clarice Deal Keever Arthur Jerome Keever 1952
Billie Blanton Kelly Sam J. Kelly 1952
Hallie K. Kelly Clayton A. Kelly 1952
Bonnie J. Kermmoade Dale L. Kermmoade 1952
Susanne R. Kerr J. Hunter Kerr 1952
Juanita Clark Kilday James Roy Kilday 1952
Mary Madeline King Ray Clyde King 1952
Jesse J. Kinley Bulah Hasty Kinley 1952
Andrew Knox Mary Ann C. Knox 1952
Ruth Virginia Dula Koontz Zenobian Michael Koontz 1952
Sidney Martin Kotel Elva Sisk Kotel 1952
Katie Lake Donald Lake 1952
Clara B. Lawrence Charles W. Lawrence 1952
Billie Lou Livingston Jerry E. Livingston 1952
Lois Lemmons Long Clarence Charles Edward Long 1952
Media Patterson Long Arthur I. Long 1952