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Divorce Records
For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.
Plaintiff First Name | Plaintiff Last Name | Defendant First Name | Defendant Last Name | Year of Divorce |
Edward I. | Greene | Margaret D. | Greene | 1952 |
William David | Greene | Mary Viola | Greene | 1952 |
Dorcus Leigh Britt | Greenfield | Luther Edward | Greenfield | 1952 |
Doris | Greer | Jannie Mae | Greer | 1952 |
Essie Mae | Gregory | William | Gregory | 1952 |
Martha | Grice | Marshall M., Jr. (alimony) | Grice | 1952 |
Lucy | Grier | Hazel | Grier | 1952 |
Alice Jean | Griffin | Homer A. | Griffin | 1952 |
Hilda Hanes | Griffin | John Edward | Griffin | 1952 |
Catherine Coggins | Grigg | J. C. | Grigg | 1952 |
Betty Harrington | Gulledge | Joseph L. | Gulledge | 1952 |
Evelyn Owens | Gunter | Dale Franklin | Gunter | 1952 |
George | Gunther | Iva W. | Gunter | 1952 |
Margaret L. | Haines | James E. | Haines | 1952 |
Worthy DeWitt | Hairston | Ilda S. | Hairston | 1952 |
D. W. | Hall | Essie Lee | Hall | 1952 |
Jewel Fowler | Hall | William G. | Hall | 1952 |
Shirley Lee | Hall | Roy W. | Hall | 1952 |
Mary B. | Halliburton | W. H., Jr. | Halliburton | 1952 |
Mildred Williams | Hamit | William T. | Hamit | 1952 |
Retta Little | Hampton | Arthur Barnes (alimony) | Hampton | 1952 |
Margie B. | Hamrick | Robert Thomas | Hamrick | 1952 |
Louise Hyde | Hancock | John Ross | Hancock | 1952 |
Louise Barnett | Hanks | Carl | Hanks | 1952 |
Peggy R. | Hardin | James T. | Hardin | 1952 |
Alice B. | Hargett | Grady | Hargett | 1952 |
Effie Kimbro | Hargett | Walter J. | Hargett | 1952 |
H. B. | Hargett | Frances Beam Willins Rollins | Hargett | 1952 |
Mildred V. | Harrington | Charlie P. (alimony) | Harrington | 1952 |
Doris E. | Harris | George L. (alimony) | Harris | 1952 |
Dorothy Rouse | Harris | Aubrey E. | Harris | 1952 |
Faye Lindsay | Harris | James D. | Harris | 1952 |
Hattie Houston | Harris | Bert | Harris | 1952 |
Macy | Harris | William D. (alimony) | Harris | 1952 |
Rosanna C. | Harris | William R., Jr. | Harris | 1952 |
Christopher Columbus | Harrison | Irma Davidson | Harrison | 1952 |
Sidney A. | Hartis | Pearl L. | Hartis | 1952 |
Hurley | Hasty | Tressie | Hasty | 1952 |
Barbara N. | Hathcock | James Ray | Hathcock | 1952 |
Helen S. | Hathcock | Luther E. | Hathcock | 1952 |
Elsie Nola | Hayer | Charlie Johnston | Hayer | 1952 |
Augusta Ruth | Heath | Lester Worth | Heath | 1952 |
Leonard W. | Hedrick | Sally Isabelle | Hedrick | 1952 |
Patricia Bass | Hefkey | John V. | Hefkey | 1952 |
Dorothy LeGrant Crites | Helms | Wade Allen | Helms | 1952 |
Mike | Helms | Betty Mae H. | Helms | 1952 |
Virginia Holmes | Helms | Oris Kelly Jr. | Helms | 1952 |
Marie Z. | Henderson | Kenneth Lee | Henderson | 1952 |
Thomas S. | Herron | Mary Montgomery | Herron | 1952 |
Violet Verner | Hicks | Robert U. | Hicks | 1952 |
Betty Jean | Hildreth | John Wilson | Hildreth | 1952 |
Edith Sullivan | Hoagland | Lee Roy, Jr. | Hoagland | 1952 |
Lois Haas | Holler | Richard E. | Holler | 1952 |
James | Holley | Mary S. | Holley | 1952 |
Dorothy | Horne | Warren Cecil | Horne | 1952 |
Jessie May | Hoskins | Frank, Jr. | Hoskins | 1952 |
Merle H. | House | Harry Reid | House | 1952 |
Rebecca L. | Howarth | Harvey James | Howarth | 1952 |
Ethel Mae | Hughes | Harry B. | Hughes | 1952 |
Polly C. | Hughes | J. F. | Hughes | 1952 |
Jasper S. | Hunt | Eleanor B. | Hunt | 1952 |
Julia Parks | Hunter | Arthur Owens | Hunter | 1952 |
Mary Edna | Huntley | Ellis M. | Huntley | 1952 |
Winnifred L. | Hyatt | Henry S. | Hyatt | 1952 |
Inis Linker | Ingle | Donald A. | Ingle | 1952 |
Hubert | Jackson | Alice Mae | Jackson | 1952 |
Kenneth Otto | Jackson | Thelma L. | Jackson | 1952 |
Permilla F. D. | Jackson | Jessie F. | Jackson | 1952 |
Kathleen Cora | James | Lacy Eldridge | James | 1952 |
Nettie Sue | Jarrell | Floyd | Jarrell | 1952 |
Beatrice Duren | Johnson | Clifford S. | Johnson | 1952 |
C. C. | Johnson | Iola B. | Johnson | 1952 |
Eddie | Johnson | Almetta Maxwell | Johnson | 1952 |
James Calvin | Johnson | Annie Ree McCorkle | Johnson | 1952 |
Martin C., Jr. | Johnson | Catherine Helena | Johnson | 1952 |
Midgean T. | Johnson | Albert Reid | Johnson | 1952 |
Patsy Ann McQuay | Johnson | Robert E. | Johnson | 1952 |
Ralph Lawton | Jolly | Betty Van Sickle | Jolly | 1952 |
Geraldine Torrence | Jones | Henry Thomas | Jones | 1952 |
John J. | Jones | Norma Ledford | Jones | 1952 |
Selma Elizabeth | Jones | Ivey Gillead | Jones | 1952 |
Wilma Anita | Jones | Raymond Alexander | Jones | 1952 |
Vester | Jordan | Bertie W. | Jordan | 1952 |
Eunice R. | Karnes | Howard M. | Karnes | 1952 |
Clarice Deal | Keever | Arthur Jerome | Keever | 1952 |
Billie Blanton | Kelly | Sam J. | Kelly | 1952 |
Hallie K. | Kelly | Clayton A. | Kelly | 1952 |
Bonnie J. | Kermmoade | Dale L. | Kermmoade | 1952 |
Susanne R. | Kerr | J. Hunter | Kerr | 1952 |
Juanita Clark | Kilday | James Roy | Kilday | 1952 |
Mary Madeline | King | Ray Clyde | King | 1952 |
Jesse J. | Kinley | Bulah Hasty | Kinley | 1952 |
Andrew | Knox | Mary Ann C. | Knox | 1952 |
Ruth Virginia Dula | Koontz | Zenobian Michael | Koontz | 1952 |
Sidney Martin | Kotel | Elva Sisk | Kotel | 1952 |
Katie | Lake | Donald | Lake | 1952 |
Clara B. | Lawrence | Charles W. | Lawrence | 1952 |
Billie Lou | Livingston | Jerry E. | Livingston | 1952 |
Lois Lemmons | Long | Clarence Charles Edward | Long | 1952 |
Media Patterson | Long | Arthur I. | Long | 1952 |