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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Pauline P. Blankenship Thurmond James W. Thurmond 1951
Clayton Forrest Todd Alice Stewart Todd 1951
Mary Gilliam Torian Robertson Taylor Torian 1951
Patsy Ruth Ferrell Trahan Rodney Joseph Trahan 1951
Margaret Louise Triplett Edward Wilson Triplett 1951
Carrie Hester Trueheart William Henry Trueheart 1951
Annie M. Turnage Olive Leburn Turnage 1951
Martha Turner Charles, Jr. Turner 1951
Thomas Tyson Lillie Martin Tyson 1951
Irene F. Uhre Edward Uhre 1951
Kathleen Van Hoy Charles E. Van Hoy 1951
Lester Vanderburg Audry Grubbs Vanderburg 1951
Lester W. Vanderburg Fannie Thornburg Vanderburg 1951
James Guy, Jr. Vickery Edna Griffin Vickery 1951
Evelyn Lee Vincent Rufus Marvin Vincent 1951
Mary Walker Isaac Walker 1951
Catherine Cochran Walling Oscar Branch Walling 1951
Gladys R. Watts Willie Watts 1951
John B. Watts Violet W. Watts 1951
Mydelle McElrath Wear Joseph Little Wear 1951
Dessie Weathford Richard Thomas Weathford 1951
Bobby Gene Webb Dorothy Couch Garrett MacLeod Webb 1951
James Samuel Webb Jane Adams Webb 1951
S. E. Webb Belle Powers Webb 1951
Cora P. Webber Paul G. Webber 1951
Edith C. Webster Edmon P. Webster 1951
Mary Dixon Westbrook Fred Westbrook 1951
Claretta F. Weston Frank E. Weston 1951
Lillian Clark White Clark M. White 1951
R. D. White Mable S. White 1951
Amos P. Whitley Blanche H. Whitley 1951
Lillie Mae Whitley Johnny Alexander Whitley 1951
Georgia Wiley Leroy Wiley 1951
Bland Hill Williams Lawrence Williams 1951
David Williams Helen Seager Williams 1951
Edward J., Jr. Williams Florence Joyce Williams 1951
Gladys S. Williams Arthur W. Williams 1951
Miriam Bergeron Williams Faison R. Williams 1951
Polly Parker Williams Eugene Bateman, Jr. Williams 1951
Trudell Williams Marvin Eugene Williams 1951
Wilda Williams James H. Williams 1951
Lillian R. Williamson J. Fred Williamson 1951
Maude Williamson Frank R. Williamson 1951
Lillian Ann Wilson J. Elbert Wilson 1951
Rachel Smith Winkler Charles Woodrow Winkler 1951
Christine Childress Worsham Marion C. Worsham 1951
Lucy H. Wortz John Wortz 1951
Hunter B., Mrs. Wrenn W. E. Wrenn 1951
Nora S. Wright John Sumpter Wright 1951
Mildred Wyatt W. L. Wyatt Wyatt 1951
Ruby B. Yandle Walker H. Yandle 1951
Loma Morris Yarger David Clinton Yarger 1951
Ruth Adams Jack Crawford T. Adams 1952
Thelma Funderburk Alexander Pete D. Alexander 1952
Amos G. Allen Minnie O`Neal Allen 1952
Bonnie Ulery Allen James Joseph Allen 1952
John M. Allen Dorothy Young Allen 1952
Amanda Catherine Anderson Leon Traves Anderson 1952
Lillie Talford Archie J. C. Archie 1952
Emeron V. Ashby Temperance H. Ashby 1952
Milo L. Bailey Dorothy I. Bailey 1952
Virginia Bailey Robert Lee, Jr. Bailey 1952
Annie Brewer Baker George W. Baker 1952
Emma Odessa Baker Daniel W. Baker 1952
Kenneth E. Baldwin Dorothy Helen Baldwin 1952
Nettie N. Marshall Ballard Earl R. Ballard 1952
Jean H. Barnes Carlyle L. Barnes 1952
Paula Joan Henry Bartlett Johnny Lee Bartlett 1952
Frances M. Bass J. B. Bass 1952
Lilly King Beach Mark Neil Beach 1952
Edith D. Beachum Ray D. Beachum 1952
Doris King Beck Ralph W. Beck 1952
Ottis Bennett Elizabeth Fite Benton Bennett 1952
Scottie Hawes Bennett John Kemp Bennett 1952
Sara D. Bingham Joe Thomas Bingham 1952
Annie James Bivens James Fred Bivens 1952
John W. Bivens Mildred M. Bivens 1952
Mary Lou Grier Black John Thomas Black 1952
Audna B. Blackmon Marion Blackmon 1952
Dwight B. Blackmon Georgia H. Blackmon 1952
Mary Lou Bosley Ronald Oren Bosley 1952
Richard E. Bowden Euna Collins Bowden 1952
Mary Elizabeth Bozeman William M. Bozeman 1952
Marie Godfrey Bradley Barney A. Bradley 1952
Sandy Brady Alice C. Brady 1952
Juanita Ann Brand R. T. Brand 1952
Jewel Christine Braswell Thomas D. Braswell 1952
Lola B. Bridges William L. Bridges 1952
Earl Brigg Minnie Reece Brigg 1952
Ella Broom Ross Broom 1952
William Shannon Broome Ila Mae Broome 1952
Louise Young Brown J. C. Brown 1952
Margaret P. Brown William Monroe Brown 1952
Ralph J. Brown Etta Brown 1952
Rendy Lou Whitley Buckaloo Eugene A. Buckaloo 1952
Alberta W. Caldwell Albert A. Caldwell 1952
Juanita Caldwell James P. Caldwell 1952
Judith Frazier Callicutt Joseph Lee Callicutt 1952
James V. Camp Elizabeth Ann McDonald Camp 1952
Emma Louise Campbell W. C. Marze 1952