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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
R. B. Mobley Elizabeth Mobley 1921
Leona Nesby Price Nesby 1921
Rosylee Dinkins Nicholson William Murphy Nicholson 1921
W. H. Padgett Lillie Padgett 1921
Willie Parks Fred Parks 1921
John B. Pinyan Julia Huntley Pinyan 1921
Henry Poe Agnes Poe 1921
Henry Poe Agnes Poe 1921
Ardella Poston Joe Poston 1921
Ardella Poston Joe Poston 1921
Odessa H. Presson William Shaw Presson 1921
Odessa H. Presson William Shaw Presson 1921
M. A. Price Pearl Price 1921
M. A. Price Pearl Price 1921
Virginia Shook Queen J. A. Queen 1921
Virginia Shook Queen J. A. Queen 1921
Willie O. Rhyne George V. Rhyne 1921
Willie O. Rhyne George V. Rhyne 1921
Odessa H. Roach P. H. Roach 1921
Odessa H. Roach P. H. Roach 1921
H. M. Robke Mary E. Robke 1921
H. M. Robke Mary E. Robke 1921
Minnie C. Rollins E. A. Rollins 1921
Minnie C. Rollins E. A. Rollins 1921
J. A. Sheppard Daisy Brooks Sheppard 1921
J. A. Sheppard Daisy Brooks Sheppard 1921
Elizabeth Shipman George Shipman 1921
Elizabeth Shipman George Shipman 1921
Neal Sims Willie H. Sims 1921
Neal Sims Willie H. Sims 1921
J. S. Smith Docia Smith 1921
John Springs Irene Springs 1921
Lonnie L. Spurrier Prim Spurrier 1921
Henry Stroud Azalee Stroud 1921
J. R. Terrell Martha Cates Terrell 1921
Mattie Mallard Todd Harvey A. Todd 1921
Gertie Walker George Walker 1921
Jesse M. Watkins Nora Deal Watkins 1921
Buelah E. Carter Weaver H. D. Weaver 1921
Mayme Webb C. R. Webb 1921
Della Scott Wellman Roy Wellman 1921
Louise White John Holmes White 1921
Dewey Whitson Ida Whitson 1921
Mahalie Wiley George Wiley 1921
R. G. Williams Lelia Williams 1921
Sudie Smith Williamson O. S. Williamson 1921
D. A. Willmerton Richard Willmerton 1921
Annie Wilson James Wilson 1921
Ira Wilson Lizzie Wilson 1921
Anna A. Workman H. S. Workman 1921
Evvie Viola Albro Benjamin A. Albro 1922
Andrew J. Alexander Bessie Alexander 1922
Huldie Alexander Summie C. Alexander 1922
J. K. A. Alexander Myrtle McKee Alexander 1922
Lillie May Alexander Clyde C. Alexander 1922
Carrie Austin S. G. Austin 1922
Mattie Smith Babbitt Leonard Babbitt 1922
Martha Z. Bell Hector Bell 1922
J. P. Black Grace Black 1922
John C., Jr. Blackwell Winnie Branch Blackwell 1922
C. A.. Boyd Nettie Boyd 1922
Bessie Brown Ephram N. Brown 1922
Lettie S. Brown Will Brown 1922
Viola Brown Charlie Brown 1922
Pearl Ford Cannon D. F. Cannon 1922
John Cartner Bessie Cartner 1922
Maud Cochrane James O. Cochrane 1922
Margaret C. Colquhoun Normal J. Colquhoun 1922
Mary Lyles Davis James Davis Davis 1922
Dusky Dean Philipp Dean 1922
Annie Donaldson Oscar Donaldson 1922
John Y. Douglas Elizabeth Douglas 1922
J. G. Fish Earline Lucas Fish 1922
O. W. Forrest Nina Bell Forrest 1922
Jessie K. Fox G. F. Fox 1922
Birdie Iceman Gaddy R. Bennett Gaddy 1922
Edward T. Garsed Ethelyn Cherryman Garsed 1922
Floread Gary Tom Gary 1922
Willie Goines Alice Kelley Goines 1922
Annie M. Green Charlie J. Green 1922
Mattie Hadley D. A. Hadley 1922
Jennie V. Hager Cleveland Hager 1922
Nelle Hallett Chester Hallett 1922
Walter S. Harrison Maggie Harrison 1922
W. J. Harry Leola Harry 1922
Rosa Hawkins Baxter Hawkins 1922
Hattie B. Hayes Robert F. Hayes 1922
Flossie Lucile Heafner Frederick Lee Heafner 1922
Nora Helderman William C. Helderman 1922
Kate Helms E. H. Helms 1922
Ernestine Hornsby McKinley Hornsby 1922
Sarah Hoy E. J. Hoy 1922
Florence Dewey Husky William T. Husky 1922
A. S. Ison Eva Ison 1922
Celia Jackson C. W. Jackson 1922
Tom Jennings Bernice Jennings 1922
Annie Johnson Percy C. Johnson 1922
W. J. Johnson Lonnie Johnson 1922
J. J. Jones Mollie R. Jones 1922
Fanny Kelly C. T. Kelly 1922