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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Elizabeth Bowers E. D. Bowers 1949
Irene Bowers Fred Bowers 1931
Alice Hall Bowen Johnnie E. Bowen 1948
Alma Bowen Frank Bowen 1944
Annie Mae Bowen Fletcher Lee Bowen 1940
Charles Nathaniel Bowen Hattie Lou Mitchell Bowen 1938
Deo Bowen Nora Lee Bowen 1945
James M. Bowen Sarah L. Bowen 1907
Lillian Lunsford Bowen J. D. Bowen 1947
Richard E. Bowden Euna Collins Bowden 1952
Charles M. Bousman Dorothy L. Bousman 1944
Mathias Boulware Hattie Boulware 1904
Raleigh J. Boulware Samretta Boulware 1948
Roman Boulware Lois Shaw Boulware 1951
Willie McK. Boulware Geraldine Benton Boulware 1947
Grace Johnston Boston Charles J. Boston 1945
Boyce E. Bostion Dorothy C. Crider Bostion 1944
Mary Louise Bostion Boyce Earl Bostion 1946
Aline Bostic L. C. Bostic 1935
Etta Bostic Claude Bostic 1942
Harriett Harris Bostian David Boone Bostian 1933
A. J. Bost Ruby Bost 1932
Albert Martin Bost Eleanor Coleman Bost 1940
D. J. Bost Evelyn Neal Bost 1943
Elma Beasley Bost Junious Lee Bost 1955
George Leighton Bost Zula Marie Bost 1946
H. B. Bost Nellie B. Bost 1949
Margaret Long Bost B. L. Bost 1943
Ruby Sheets Bost DeWitt Albert Bost 1949
Sylvester Bost Carrie Mae Dockery Bost 1949
Thelma Beaver Bost Myron K. Bost 1943
Mary Lou Bosley Ronald Oren Bosley 1952
Clara T. Borland John W. Borland 1942
Doris Sherill Boring Hampton W. Boring 1951
Mildred Grant Boozer Thomas J. Boozer 1939
Cother W. Boone Beulah L. Boone 1946
Dixie Baker Boone Ernest L. Boone 1945
Dorothy Boone A. G., Jr. Boone 1953
Henry O. Boone Jeanette Edith Boone 1951
Vivian Buice Boone Charles Edward Boone 1941
Bennie Lee Bookman Stella Lee Bookman 1954
James K. Booker Louise Hayes Booker 1942
Claude Bonnar Rapelia Ford Bonnar 1930
Milledge L. Bonham Marjorie F. Bonham 1942
Walter E. Bonds Eunice Linker Bonds 1938
Bertha Bonaparte Jacob Bonaparte 1943
Leon J. Bombadier Mary E. (her photo in file) Bombadier 1916
Mae Smith Bolton Clyde J. Bolton 1948
Elsie Crowell Bolinger Charles Edward Bolinger 1954
Shuble Anderson Boling Thelma Irene Hearn Boling 1945
Frances Bolin Sam Bolin 1950
Earl H. Bolick Mary E. Bolick 1941
Edith Taylor Bolick Milton Ira Bolick 1948
Noma Keever Bolick Clyde V. Bolick 1940
John S. Bolen Alice Westbury Bolen 1945
Mary Hilda Bolch G. Glynn Bolch 1954
Isabel Howard Boland W. L. Boland 1945
Helen Coles Boineau W. C. Boineau 1929
William Odell Boheler Wilma Boheler 1941
Anne Bohannon David L. Bohannon 1954
Arnold Ray Boggs Mary Smith Boggs 1948
Callie Mae Boggs Aaron D. Boggs 1926
Mary C. Boggs Kenneth J. Boggs 1948
Bernice Trexler Boggan W. K., Jr. Boggan 1925
Charles Boggan Ruby Boggan 1947
Ruby Boggan Charles Boggan 1945
Anna Boger Jake Boger 1902
D. B. Boger Catherine Ivey Boger 1943
Minnie Boger Caleb Boger 1904
Margaret Henderson Bogany Israel Bogany 1950
Elizabeth Bogan J. W. Bogan 1936
F. A. Bogan Dorothy Bogan 1947
Nancy E. Bogan J. W. Bogan 1930
Janice Proctor Boette Louis H. Boette 1928
Edward Boeckmann Nancy Sue Farlow Boeckmann 1947
Louise Bodie Bodie Joe H. Bodie 1944
Goldie Laura Boccardi Frank Boccardi 1948
Frankey P. Boatwright Foster E. Boatwright 1949
Henrietta Ward Boatwright Alonzo Boatwright 1947
Thelma Holly Boatwright J. W. Boatwright 1939
Richard Boatright Mary Boatright 1945
Joseph L. Boatner Lura Smith Boatner 1948
George F. Boardman Glenna L. Boardman 1937
James Blunt Daisy Blunt 1955
Marceline Galloway Blume Henry K. Blume 1938
Clara Walker Blue Arnold Calvin Blue 1953
C. W. Blount Margaret Byrd Blount 1923
Pearlie Mae Blount William Edgar Blount 1946
Lula Mae Bloodworth T. L. Bloodworth 1948
William H. Bloodworth Relena Hooks Bloodworth 1954
Mabel Green Blood Robert Taitt Blood 1955
Margaret Arney Blevins Grady Eugene Blevins 1949
Thomas C., Mrs. Blencowe Thomas C. Blencowe 1935
E. T. Bleecker Mabel Latten Bleecker 1914
Raleigh Blayton Lula Blayton 1946
Haude Dacus Blaski Joseph Anthony Blaski 1947
Ernest L. Blanton Zora Blanton 1935
Florence Blanton E. E. Blanton 1923
Frances Fulton Blanton Joe Blanton 1927
Ruth Watson Blanton Lorenzo Blanton 1940