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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Bland Rountree Robinson George Parks Robinson 1944
Blandene Tidd Herbert C. Tidd 1953
Blandina Elizabeth Corbett Charles Montgomery Corbett 1954
Blandy Wright Dunlap Robert E. Dunlap 1945
Bleaker Ross Daniel Ross 1930
Bleaker Ross Daniel Ross 1930
Bleeka Kimbrell Carl W. Kimbrell 1932
Bleeka Mills (annulment) Hankin Donald Eugene Hankin 1946
Bleeker Matthews Jones Jones Albert Jones 1947
Bleeker Parks Johnson Fred Johnson 1943
Bobbie Gertrude Pressley Samuel Mack Pressley 1945
Bobbie Gertrude Pressley Samuel Mack Pressley 1945
Bobbie Laney Hayes Raymond J. Hayes 1950
Bobbie Nell Jones Thomas R. Jones 1950
Bobbie Walker Terry John P. Terry 1945
Bobby Carolyn Moore Shearer Harold Shearer 1954
Bobby Carolyn Moore Shearer Harold Shearer 1954
Bobby Cleveland Broome Louise Blake Broome 1953
Bobby Gene Webb Dorothy Couch Garrett MacLeod Webb 1951
Bobby Harris Lamb Stanard Coleman Lamb 1958
Bonnell Pierce Niten Mary Melba Niten 1951
Bonnie Moore James (Ham) Fletcher Moore 1941
Bonnie Whitten James Whitton 1937
Bonnie B. Brown Robert L. Brown 1949
Bonnie Bess Outen William S., Jr. Outen 1949
Bonnie Esther Hood Ernest Edgar Hood 1946
Bonnie F. Stewart James H. Stewart 1951
Bonnie Hawkins Bell James Claud Bell 1947
Bonnie J. Kermmoade Dale L. Kermmoade 1952
Bonnie Jordan Klutz Charles W. Knight 1937
Bonnie L. Freeman Zebulon S. Freeman 1951
Bonnie Ulery Allen James Joseph Allen 1952
Bonny Thomas Roy Thomas 1929
Booker T. Byrum Annie Mae Byrum 1954
Booker T. Dargan Lillie Ada Dargan 1954
Boris Rosen Iris Neale Rosen 1952
Boris Rosen Iris Neale Rosen 1952
Boston Dargan Willie Elizabeth Dargan 1944
Boyce E. Bostion Dorothy C. Crider Bostion 1944
Boyce W. Alexander Mattie Moore Alexander 1945
Boyd Gibson Ruth Davis Gibson 1948
Boyd Hughes Ollie Pittman Hughes 1944
Boyd Purdy Betty Purdy 1944
Boyd Purdy Betty Purdy 1944
Boyd Sells Viola Sells 1939
Boyd Sells Viola Sells 1939
Boyd A. Parker Katie Parker 1947
Boyd L. Yates Marcelle H. Yates 1953
Boyette E. Furr Brennell Smart Furr 1945
Brenda L. McCray Thomas H. McCray 1968
Brice A. Benfield C. S. Benfield 1937
Bridget Scholl Lynch Mason Lynch 1955
Bright E. Starnes Henry W. Starnes 1953
Bright S. Martin Christine Bradley Martin 1952
Broadus Marie Hinson Carl William Hinson 1948
Bronsell F. Tarte Billie Sapp Tarte 1945
Brontee Boxx James W. Boxx 1944
Brooks Davidson Irene Smith (Rice) Davidson 1946
Brooks Price Edna McKay Price 1954
Brooks Price Edna McKay Price 1954
Brown Hartis Sherley Jean Hartis 1946
Brown Lyles Helen Wishart Lyles 1934
Brownie Alphonso Sims Wilma T. Sims 1955
Brownie Alphonso Sims Wilma T. Sims 1955
Brownie Barrier Martin J. L. Martin 1935
Brownlee Spencer Meyer A. H. Meyer 1933
Bruce Taylor Thelma Jackson Taylor 1948
Bruce W. Benton Pearl A. Benton 1945
Bruce W. Gulledge Sadie McCall Gulledge 1955
Bruce W. Longworth Blanche Shultz Longworth 1947
Brunett Parker Amos Floyd Parker 1935
Bryce H. Helms Bettie Graham Helms 1950
Bryte G. Alexander William W. Alexander 1947
Bryte Long Grier John T. Grier 1936
Bub Stitt Lillie Miller Stitt 1938
Buelah E. Carter Weaver H. D. Weaver 1921
Buelah Ruth Neal A. P. Neal 1929
Buena Wheeler C. H. Wheeler 1947
Buford B. Cromer Mary Browning Cromer 1954
Buford F. Hartsell Margaret Linker Hartsell 1954
Buna Lee Wilson Frederick R. Wilson 1949
Burdell Jordan Floyd W. Jordan 1945
Burgess Bunn Norma Jean Woods Bunn 1951
Burgess A. Johnson Jean C. Klutz Johnson 1949
Burgess R. Helms Margaret Helms 1945
Burley Edwards Alexander Hazel Joel Alexander 1942
Burnell Pettice Young Earl Young 1947
Burrell Jordan Jo Ann Jordan 1968
Buster K. McClain Ruby Poteatt McClain 1945
Butler Gay Isabell Gay 1939
Byfinue Stinson Eloise McLaughlin Stinson 1952
Byrdie Smith Stokes Adderton Smith 1924
Byron R. Hildebrand Mamie Horne Hildebrand 1944
C. A. Hagler Maggie (alias Maggie Christenbury) Hagler 1926
C. A. Caldwell Henrietta Caldwell 1919
C. A. Campo Helen Campo 1924
C. A. Gaston Mamie Gaston 1914
C. A. Haworth Hope S. Haworth 1937
C. A. Jenkins Addie Jenkins 1949
C. A. Murphy Bertha May Murphy 1934