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Divorce Records
For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.
Plaintiff First Name | Plaintiff Last Name | Defendant First Name | Defendant Last Name | Year of Divorce |
James S. | Smith | Wayne Carros | Smith | 1928 |
Janie Ervin | Smith | Dave | Smith | 1928 |
Jean Rumple | Smith | Robert William | Smith | 1946 |
Jessica S. | Smith | Almon Peter, Jr. | Smith | 1951 |
Jessie C. | Smith | Clarence H. | Smith | 1917 |
Jessie H. | Smith | M. C. | Smith | 1938 |
Joe E. | Smith | Jackie Floyd | Smith | 1947 |
John B. | Smith | Ethel H. | Smith | 1943 |
John Earl | Smith | Ruby Hoffman | Smith | 1951 |
John M. | Smith | Lottie Montgomery | Smith | 1937 |
John P. | Smith | Arlena | Smith | 1910 |
Julia V. | Smith | J. R. | Smith | 1910 |
Katie | Smith | Samuel | Smith | 1926 |
Kirby | Smith | Jessie | Smith | 1942 |
Kirby | Smith | Kate | Smith | 1934 |
Laura | Smith | J. Wesley | Smith | 1926 |
Laura Mae | Smith | Robert Leon | Smith | 1952 |
Lena Horne | Smith | William | Smith | 1944 |
Lillian W. | Smith | George A. | Smith | 1946 |
Lillie | Smith | John D. | Smith | 1937 |
Lillie Wood | Smith | Herring S. | Smith | 1937 |
Lois E. | Smith | Arthur L. | Smith | 1937 |
Lola Crawford | Smith | G. V. H. | Smith | 1940 |
Lonnie | Smith | Catherine | Smith | 1939 |
Louise | Smith | Thomas E. | Smith | 1946 |
Louise | Smith | Wilson | Smith | 1945 |
Lucille | Smith | Willie | Smith | 1950 |
Lucille Elizabeth | Smith | John Moore | Smith | 1945 |
Lucille Pearson | Smith | Marvin Thomas | Smith | 1946 |
Luke Frank | Smith | Helen Melinda Sanders | Smith | 1948 |
Lula Twitty | Smith | Willie D. | Smith | 1948 |
Mabel Ann Goodson | Smith | Clyde F. | Smith | 1950 |
Mable Robinson | Smith | Benjamin Lloyd | Smith | 1953 |
Madge F. | Smith | Ernest E. | Smith | 1942 |
Maggie | Smith | Ed | Smith | 1902 |
Mamie Ozella Vance | Smith | Samuel L. K. | Smith | 1946 |
Mamie Thomas | Smith | William D. | Smith | 1950 |
Marion Sheppard | Smith | Lawrence James | Smith | 1953 |
Mary C. | Smith | W. V. | Smith | 1927 |
Mary Emma | Smith | Herbert Allen | Smith | 1951 |
Mary Jo | Smith | Aubrey E. | Smith | 1952 |
Mary Louise | Smith | George H., Jr. | Smith | 1940 |
Mary M. | Smith | Thomas | Smith | 1949 |
Mary Martin | Smith | Hugh L. | Smith | 1942 |
Maude W. | Smith | O. E. | Smith | 1932 |
Maxine Heinrich | Smith | Stanley Earl | Smith | 1954 |
Mildred Dellinger | Smith | Robert Norman | Smith | 1946 |
Millie L. | Smith | Johnie G. | Smith | 1946 |
Milton H. | Smith | Mildred Elizabeth | Smith | 1949 |
Myrtle | Smith | N. E. | Smith | 1952 |
Nancy Boyette | Smith | James W. | Smith | 1940 |
Nora | Smith | Floyd | Smith | 1930 |
Nora J. | Smith | John Henry | Smith | 1939 |
Norman P. | Smith | Louise Ballinger | Smith | 1946 |
Odessa Barley | Smith | Edward Roy | Smith | 1950 |
Ollie | Smith | Jesse | Smith | 1931 |
Pansy | Smith | James E. | Smith | 1953 |
Pauline S. | Smith | George T. | Smith | 1951 |
R. H. | Smith | Mamie R. | Smith | 1937 |
Rachel V. | Smith | Robert L. | Smith | 1956 |
Rosa | Smith | Joseph | Smith | 1922 |
Rosa Lee | Smith | John Henry | Smith | 1946 |
Ruby Leigh | Smith | James Kenneth | Smith | 1947 |
Ruth Irvin | Smith | D. Brandon | Smith | 1941 |
S. S. | Smith | Emily B. | Smith | 1938 |
Sadie | Smith | Paris Carlton | Smith | 1941 |
Sara | Smith | Herbert | Smith | 1933 |
Sarah | Smith | Charlie | Smith | 1941 |
Sarah | Smith | Virgil | Smith | 1936 |
Sarah Gurley | Smith | Robert Tilden | Smith | 1943 |
Sue Kirksey | Smith | R. V. | Smith | 1939 |
Thelma Irene | Smith | Presley | Smith | 1929 |
Theodore | Smith | Ida Ballard | Smith | 1939 |
Thomas W. | Smith | Lucy B. | Smith | 1951 |
Velma Burris | Smith | Jason Holt | Smith | 1948 |
Veolar | Smith | Raymond | Smith | 1943 |
Verlus M. | Smith | Betty Jean | Smith | 1952 |
Vick Hugh | Smith | Annie Bernice D. | Smith | 1943 |
Virginia G. | Smith | T. A. | Smith | 1925 |
Vivian Mae | Smith | James Ernest | Smith | 1948 |
W. P. | Smith | Kate B. | Smith | 1941 |
Walter B. | Smith | Meta B. | Smith | 1950 |
Wilbur C. | Smith | Mary Washam | Smith | 1947 |
Will | Smith | Annie Mae | Smith | 1950 |
William M. | Smith | Agnes Hall | Smith | 1944 |
Willie | Smith | Adeline | Smith | 1928 |
Willie Marven | Smith | Lindy Vernell | Smith | 1944 |
James C. | Smiley | Evelyn Flowers | Smiley | 1952 |
James C. | Smiley | Evelyn Flowers | Smiley | 1952 |
Arnetha Lyde | Smart | Charlie | Smart | 1945 |
Arnetha Lyde | Smart | Charlie | Smart | 1945 |
Betty L. | Small | Wade, Jr. | Small | 1945 |
Betty L. | Small | Wade, Jr. | Small | 1945 |
Clarence A. | Small | Louise S. | Small | 1944 |
Clarence A. | Small | Louise S. | Small | 1944 |
Jacqueline Williams | Small | Bobby Gerald | Small | 1943 |
Jacqueline Williams | Small | Bobby Gerald | Small | 1943 |
James A. | Small | Luella | Small | 1924 |
James A. | Small | Luella | Small | 1924 |
Vernon Edward | Small | Florence Jane | Small | 1937 |