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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Evelyn Springs Walter E. Springs 1938
Hazeline Springs Alfonzo Springs 1948
Joan Moore Springs Charles Bolick Springs 1943
John Springs Irene Springs 1921
Katherine Walker Springs Thomas Neely Springs 1941
Maggie Springs Andy Springs 1897
Margaret Frances Graham Springs William C. Springs 1942
Patricia Smith Springs David C. Springs 1951
Ruby Hinson Springs Thomas B. Springs 1947
S. B. Springs Janie Springs 1914
Sam Springs Carry Berry Springs 1948
Verlie Springs Lacy Springs 1938
W. C. Springs Mary Thompson Springs 1935
William C. Springs Cornelia Lafferty Springs 1948
Velma Springer Richard Springer 1942
Clyde B. Spratt Nina Spratt 1926
Evelyn K. Spratt John G. Spratt 1950
Carl H. Spradley Evelyn Irby Spradley 1952
Lorraine W. Spooner Edward A. Spooner 1947
Patricia Ann Spoon Gary Douglas Spoon 1954
Ruby Lee Spoon George Alex, Jr. Spoon 1946
Ruth Hinson Spoon Vernon W. Spoon 1944
William C. Spoon Bella Alvarado Spoon 1946
Thomas F. Spivey Jessie Hayes Spivey 1942
Edgar M. Spittle Ora Frances Spittle 1946
George W. Spittle Lucile D. Spittle 1933
J. E. Spinks Juanita D. Spinks 1948
Bessie Spillers Marion, Jr. Spillers 1946
Margaret H. Spillers John G. Spillers 1948
Betty Foard Spiers Woodson Spiers 1946
Annie Caldwell Spencer Leonard Edward Spencer 1954
Barbara Helms Spencer Charles Edward Spencer 1950
Dorothy G. Spencer Nathan C. Spencer 1949
Dorothy White Spencer Clyde Thomas Spencer 1943
Eutrilla G. Spencer Vardry Spencer 1951
James Everette Spencer Anna Minoski Spencer 1948
James Marcus Spencer Alma Goodman Spencer 1952
Leonard E. Spencer Alice Houston Spencer 1945
Mary Elizabeth Spencer Charles Jones Spencer 1945
Nellie Spencer J. P. Spencer 1923
Pearline Spencer Wesley Spencer 1948
William A. Spencer Dorothy Beach Spencer 1947
Dorothy Spears A. C. Spears 1946
Helen Hall Spears Henry B. Spears 1931
William Thero Spears Estelle Rose Lee Spears 1949
J. J. Spearman Alma Eunice Spearman 1928
George C. Spaulding Jannie Spaulding 1927
Tomas Glenn Sparrow Muriel Boyd Sparrow 1953
Irene Sparks Charles Victor Sparks 1939
James M. Sparks Maxi Howell Sparks 1944
Sarah Holton Sparks Thomas Edison Sparks 1950
William Grady Sparks Lillian Scoggins Sparks 1945
Haymore R. Spargo Melba Keller Spargo 1951
Margaret Spangler Ralph F. Spangler 1935
Mary Lewis Spake Vert O. Spake 1950
Hazel Spadacini Rucci Spadacini 1950
Julian Willis Sox Louise Ann Sox 1942
Eutrilla Graham Sowell Reginald Sowell 1945
Reginald Sowell Genevieve Flowe Sowell 1941
Troy Lee Sowell Flora Verna Goins Sowell 1949
Joseph A. Southerland Bessie Lee Southerland 1945
Ruth B. Sousa John Joseph Sousa 1954
Josie E. Sossamon Wesley Sossamon 1916
Mary Clyde Sorrow Governor Wesley Sorrow 1950
Irene Sopher Lester Lewis Sopher 1946
Mary Spencer Sonneborn Robert Wayne Sonneborn 1948
Florence Sonneberger Jerome Sonneberger 1947
Doris Jane Sommers Otis W. Sommers 1950
Joseph G. S. Somerville Helen Paterson Somerville 1915
Robert T. Somers Margaret Broome Somers 1945
Alice Potts Solovioff S. G. Solovioff 1940
Arlen Solomon Nelda Jean Solomon 1953
Jessie Mae Solomon William Solomon 1946
Frances Reynolds Soley Walter P. Soley 1953
Keturah Soles William Soles 1946
Alma Irby Snyder W. D. Snyder 1938
J. W. Snyder Jennie Snyder 1930
Martha A. Snyder W. D. Snyder 1937
Sara Herman Snyder Richard A. Snyder 1949
Earl D. Snodgrass Betty Bush Snodgrass 1954
James William Edward Snodgrass Cara Brown Morefield Snodgrass 1949
Charmein Snipes Kemp Snipes 1950
Mollie Jones Snipes Theodore Augustus Snipes 1906
Sara Lee Snipes Jesse Elbert Snipes 1947
Shirley Goers Snipes James Ray Snipes 1965
Betty Tallon Snider J. Roy Snider 1945
Ella Mae Snelson Lonnie Douglas Snelson 1933
N. W. Snellings Sadie Joseph Snellings 1941
William P. Snell Marion Elizabeth Snell 1942
Alice Sneed Charlie W. Sneed 1953
Annie F. Sneed Walter R. Sneed 1949
Azalee Sneed Ellis Sneed 1945
Charlie Sneed Evelyn K. Sneed 1944
Mattie Tallent Snead Herbert James Snead 1945
Joseph Waren Snader Anna Snader 1943
Edward P. Smyth Eileen Smyth 1944
Frances Erlene Smoak Ryan Lanier Smoak 1947
Ruby Smoak Tyson Smoak 1948
Josie M. Smithwick James E. Smithwick 1937
Charlie F. Smithson Daisy D. Smithson 1923