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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Sara Virginia Sturgis Thomas B. Sturgis 1945
Mabel Jackson Stuckey W. L. Stuckey 1938
Mary A. Stubbs D. M. Stubbs 1931
Mary C. Stubbs C. S. Stubbs 1931
W. W. Stubbs Jane M. Stubbs 1931
Myrta Messner Stubblefield P. C. Stubblefield 1927
Lena May Stuart Lowry Wilson Stuart 1934
Bertha Strube Joseph Strube 1914
Robert Lee Strube Mary Ann Strube 1949
Bessie Beasley Strowther Walter Thomas Strowther 1922
Artis Lee T. Stroupe Marvie E. Stroupe 1952
Dorris L. Stroupe Ernest C. Stroupe 1944
Ernest Quickle Stroupe Vera Mae Stroupe 1936
Grace N. Stroupe Thomas Eugene Stroupe 1953
Loma Clay Stroupe Giles K. Stroupe 1939
Luna G. Stroupe P. Franklin Stroupe 1945
Sallie Costner Stroupe Richard DeWitt Stroupe 1965
Vivian F. Stroupe W. R. Stroupe 1950
Ernest U. Stroup Pauline Chambers Stroup 1951
Clara Stell Stroud R. L. Stroud 1942
Francis O. Stroud Nell Pope Stroud 1954
Henry Stroud Azalee Stroud 1921
James Stroud Julia Hughes Stroud 1943
Janie Gray Stroud James Henry Stroud 1937
Roney L. Stroud Frances Julia Stroud 1948
Georgia Anna Stringham George Lloyd Stringham 1937
Florence Stringfellow Stanley Stringfellow 1954
Melva Robinson Stringer Robert Claude Stringer 1945
Mary Tom Jenkins Striebich E. B. Striebich 1955
Lavon C. Strider Lonnie Legette Strider 1955
Anna Nordan Strickland H. W. Strickland 1942
Bessie Pauline Strickland James Russell Strickland 1904
Cecile Hair Strickland John A. Strickland 1947
Edward Strickland Nancy Strickland 1942
Joseph Lawlin Strickland Muriel Schrimpf Strickland 1937
Pearl Strickland Walter Strickland 1929
Ruben Strickland Edna Strickland 1947
Zettie Cochran Strickland Lonnie Strickland 1936
Innis Strebel Frank William Strebel 1947
Harry E. Straw Clara Straw 1919
Bilile Bryant Stratton J. S. Stratton 1941
E. L. Stratton Grace E. Stratton 1927
John J. Strating Anna F. Strating 1943
Mary E. Stratford Willie James Stratford 1953
William B. Stratford Ellaree Stratford 1945
Clyde H. Strange Mildred Steadman Strange 1942
Estelle G. Strange S. M. Strange 1930
Patsy Jean Strange Charles Russell Strange 1953
Luther Straite Lola Mae Boyd Straite 1948
Katharine Strait Rupert Strait 1934
Lucy M. Stowe Jasper T. Stowe 1908
Paul Stowe Mimia White Stowe 1947
Rosa Moore Stowe Monroe Stowe 1952
Annie Crenshaw Stover L. J. Stover 1942
Henry Luther Stover Grace Thompson Stover 1923
Marguerite Rhodes Stover Carl Douglas Stover 1943
Mabel Stout W. E. Stout 1935
Mabel Stout W. E. Stout 1937
Fonnie Stoudemire F. H. Stoudemire 1895
Frances Stott Thomas Stott 1944
Frank Lewis Stott Delia Marie Long Stott 1955
Helen D. Story Harold E. Story 1934
Katherine Morton Storie Spencer Storie 1935
Mary L. Stophel Van Buren (Mike) Stophel 1949
Nadinah H. Stophel John E. Stophel 1950
Amos S. Gaither M. A. (alientation of affection) Stone 1929
A. E. Stone Beulah Daisy Stone 1916
Anne B. Stone Courtney Leo Stone 1949
Billie McGhee Stone George A. Stone 1939
Edna Stone Harry Stone 1928
Elizabeth C. Stone Clyde C. Stone 1953
Ella Shelton Stone Earnest Oliver Stone 1947
Joann Rose Stone Harry W. Stone 1952
Margaret S. Stone Marshall G. Stone 1945
Oscar Stone Katherine Stone 1937
Patricia Sarah Stone Harvey Franklin Stone 1949
Virginia B. Stone Harvey F. Stone 1952
Charlie Baxter Stokes Margaret D. Stokes 1952
Curtis James Stokes Marie Lingle Stokes 1948
Isla W. Stokes Wallace Stokes 1931
J. W. Stokes Annie Corrine Caudell Stokes 1950
Jarrial A. Stokes Charlee Howell Stokes 1947
Ollie Stokes Luther Stokes 1924
Ross J. Stokes Robert W. Stokes 1934
Sue Stokes Millard P. Stokes 1946
E. B. Stogner E. B. Stogner 1932
Ella Lee Nicholson Stogner Roy Jackson Stogner 1933
Margaret Stogner Jess Stogner 1939
Mary Dabbs Stogner C. B. Stogner 1935
Roy J. Stogner Sarah Stogner 1940
Willie Belle McRae Stogner Bernie Wade Stogner 1946
William Henry Stoever Dorothy Marie Stoever 1943
Fannie Stoddard James Stoddard 1918
George L. Stockwell Ellen Penland Stockwell 1955
Lula (alias Lula Stockton) Grant James (alias James Gates) Stockton 1911
Helen Tredenick Stockton Joseph L. Stockton 1936
Bub Stitt Lillie Miller Stitt 1938
Fred S. Stitt Ella Stitt 1924
Gladys P. Stitt Richard B. Stitt 1937
Henry Stitt Amanda Stitt