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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Ruth Clark Woodrow Clark 1946
Susie E. Clark Walter E. Clark 1939
William T. Clark Margaret L. Clark 1920
Faye R. Clary Roy D. Clark 1940
Evelyn Dorothy Clarke William E., Jr. Clarke 1947
Henry L. Clarke Velma Rogers Clarke 1952
James Marshall, Jr. Clarke Helen Sittig Clarke 1947
Lucille M. Clarke Wilbur E. Clarke 1946
Margaret Henderson Clarke Howard Turney Clarke 1942
Myrtle B. Clarke William E. Clarke 1949
Virginia Clarke Lloyd A. Clarke 1935
Lena A. Clary David D. Clary 1908
Marna Jones Clary William W. Clary 1929
Pauline Sisk Clary Samuel C. Clary 1947
L. H. Clawson Gethel M. Clawson 1939
William A. Clawson Bernice Knox Clawson 1941
Ada Elizabeth Clay Sim Clay 1941
Charles W. Clay Manda Clay 1890
Annie Glass Clayton Robey Clayton 1935
Bertie Redd Clayton Hubert Clayton 1945
Joshlyn Louise Clayton Donald W. Clayton 1953
Olen D. Clayton Irene B. Clayton 1943
Bertie (Clayton) Redd Hubert Clayton 1945
Howard W. Cleaver Brownlee Cleaver 1942
Irene Cleaver K. M. Cleaver 1937
Dorothy Elam Clem William L. Clem 1949
George Clement Alice Clement 1940
Louise Seagle Clements Elmer Clements 1946
Carroll D. Clemmer Katie S. Clemmer 1944
Ola E. Clemmer Perry Clemmer 1923
Aubrey L. Clemons Ohmer W. Clemons 1939
Ellan Morrison Clemons Yokley Odis Clemons 1947
Ruby J. Clemons N. B. Clemons 1937
Walter E. Cleveland Ellen C. Cleveland 1943
Erskine Clifton Annie E. Clifton 1946
MarinelTomberlin Climer Albert L. Climer 1944
Audrey Louise Cline William L. Cline 1944
Harry D., Jr. Clinton Gladys Jane Secor Clinton 1939
Thelma Harkness Clinton Louis D. Clinton 1945
Leroy F. Clippinger Jean Blakeney Clippinger 1953
Minnie Lee Law Clock Paul Clement Clock 1949
Paul Clement Clock Minnie Lee Law Clock 1949
Clara Oakley Cloniger J. C. Cloniger 1946
Grady L. Cloninger Ruby H. Cloninger 1955
L.W. Cloninger Eunice Cloninger 1940
Miriam L. Cloninger Fred Dowell Cloninger 1952
F. M. Clontz Frances Tidwell Clontz 1950
Henry D. Clontz Mary Harrison Clontz 1949
Mary Lee Clopton Luther Clopton 1942
Lonnie Mae Cloud John Willie Cloud 1940
William Cloud Sarah Bell Cloud 1949
Willieminar Dunlap Cloud Willie Cloud 1949
Virginia Bishop McClouston Cecil Morgan (McClouston) Clouston 1941
W. D. Coan Julia G. Coan 1954
William R. Coan Alice Cash Coan 1950
Florine Hill Coates Guy M. Coates 1950
G. C. Coats Beulah Coats 1933
A. H., Jr. Cobb Charlotte M. Cobb 1942
Cecil Hurley Cobb Margaret G. Cobb 1955
F. Gordon (3 folders) Cobb Estelle Land Cobb 1929
Florence Cobb Paul E. Cobb 1929
June Delores Rizzo Cobb Roy R. Cobb 1947
Maggie V. Cobb Clarence V. Cobb 1943
Margaret Anne Gilliam Cobb Cecil Hurley Cobb 1953
Mattie Cobb J. W., Jr. Cobb 1917
Helen Fincher Coble Roy Coble 1947
J. C. Coble Lottie Coble 1942
Andrew Lee Cochran Ruth Caldwell Cochran 1953
Bernice D. Cochran Lionel E. Cochran 1947
Franklin Miller, Jr. Cochran Estelle Sarah Cochran 1949
Lillian Ervin Cochran Homer H. Cochran 1942
Mable Cochran W. Frank Cochran 1937
Parks C. Cochran Anna Wilson Cochran 1951
E. N. Cochrane Dorothy Mae Cochrane 1951
Hilda Holmes Cochrane M. O. Cochrane 1941
Maud Cochrane James O. Cochrane 1922
Paul David Cochrane Eula May Cochrane 1954
Warren Cochrane Bettie Cochrane 1908
Margaret T. Cocke Albert R. Cocke 1938
Junie Bentley Cockrell Everett R. Cockrell 1945
Grover Cody Beulah Cody 1942
Kellie D. Cody Kathleen (Smith) Cody 1943
O. W. Cody Alice Craig Cody 1946
Ola Kinley Cody Grover Cody 1945
John L. Coffer Bessie Coffer 1942
Mary E. Coffey John H. Coffey 1942
Jack W. Cogan Myrtle Thompson Cogan 1942
Charles F. Cogar Florence Cogar 1936
John Alex Cogdell Elaine M. Cogdell 1966
Bertie Lee Coggins Baymond Brooks Coggins 1948
Clyde Franklin Coggins Shirley Tilly Coggins 1954
Jerry M. R. Coggins Mary Lou Coggins 1911
Virginia Jo Cohan Foster B. Cohan 1955
Frances T. Coiner H. H. Coiner 1951
Sara S. Coiner John R. Coiner 1945
Cecilia Goins John Thomas Coins 1947
Blanche Green Coker John Edward Coker 1951
Julius Colack Katy Colakc 1920
Cora A. Colbert Luther C. Colbert 1945
Albert Cole Eliza Cole 1913