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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Lizzie Bridges B. F. Bridges 1917
Lola B. Bridges William L. Bridges 1952
Mamie Bridges C. B. Bridges 1941
Nell Scism Bridges Robert E. Bridges 1955
Lilly Mae Brigance Silvia Lee Brigance 1935
Earl Brigg Minnie Reece Brigg 1952
Inez Bloodworth Bright Ernest M. Bright 1947
L. C., Mrs. Bright A. G. Bright 1910
O. C. Bright Bertha Bright 1910
Cam Brigman Nettie Brigman 1953
Coleman Ray Brigman Alberta Mae Brigman 1955
Kermit I. Brigman Elizabeth E. Brigman 1945
Mildred Brigman J. M. Brigman 1940
Mildred W. Brigman Reggie O. Brigman 1954
Reggie O. Brigman Willie Mae Redmon Brigman 1943
Dixie Lee Brindley Ernest William Brindley 1937
L. E., Mrs. Brinkhoff Wm. H. G. Brinkhoff 1921
S. G. D. Brinson W.C. Brinson 1935
J. D. Briscoe Doris A. Briscoe 1934
T. L. Brisendine Ethel L. Brisendine 1921
Anice Inez Britt Shafford Britt 1967
Dewey F. Britt Mettie Tucker Britt 1947
Eva Webb Britt Worth Winfield Britt 1947
Mary Lee Britt Roland Thomas Britt 1935
Eleanor Leach Broad Myron M. Broad 1954
Edgar R. Broadway Annie Lee Broadway 1946
Joe W. Broadwell Charity Broadwell 1942
Elsie Brock S. C. Brock 1942
Ethel E. Brock Jewell T. Brock 1947
Helen Brock Colon M. Brock 1946
W. C. Brock Sarah Brock 1932
W. F. Brock Eva Louise Brock 1947
Marie H. Brockington James W. Brockington 1946
Mildred E. Brodsky Barnett Brodsky 1949
Robert K. Brogden Millie W. Brogden 1949
Margaret E. Bromfield George M. Bromfield 1936
Clyde W. Brooks Hester Elizabeth Brooks 1946
Ethel Cooper Brooks J. V. Brooks 1941
Florene Mullis Brooks Roland H. Brooks 1942
J. A. Brooks Isabelle G. Brooks 1921
Janet Buice Brooks Paschel D. Brooks 1931
Joe Verser Shaw Brooks Lowell Brooks 1950
John W. Brooks Elizabeth Brooks 1903
Lena Irene Brooks Heath A. Brooks 1942
Lottie R. Brooks Edward B. Brooks 1920
Marjorie B. Brooks Aaron C. Brooks 1947
Mary P. Brooks Joe A. Brooks 1948
Robert Lee Brooks Sallie Brooks 1920
Ruby Meacham Brooks Johnson Brooks 1942
Rufus T. Brooks Eliza Jane Brooks 1941
Rufus T. Brooks Dorothy E. Brooks 1951
Samuel Brooks Maggie Brooks 1918
Sylvester Brooks Roberta Hughes Brooks 1953
W. F. Brooks Willie Brooks 1920
C. O. Brookshire Bertie Brookshire 1945
Joel B. Brookshire Frances Willard Brookshire 1955
Margaret Wearn Brookshire C. LeRoy Brookshire 1938
Almetta Virginia Broom A. H. Broom 1904
Arline Broom William Broom 1942
Bessie Broom Oscar Broom 1917
Ella Broom Ross Broom 1952
Evelyn Cagle Broom James Broom 1946
James L. Broom Girtha Broom 1934
Martin Luther Broom Mollie Kenley Broom 1967
N. B. Broom Dora Broom 1907
N. B. Broom Rosa Broom 1918
Samuel James Broom Beulah Walls Broom 1945
Samuel James Broom Marvin Eaves Broom 1945
Virginia Kirby Broom A. S. Broom 1946
A. C. Broome Ellie M. Broome 1951
Bobby Cleveland Broome Louise Blake Broome 1953
Carleen Wallace Broome Harry Edward Broome 1950
Clara Broome Paul M. Broome 1945
Elise Poole Broome William Broome 1945
Ernestine Broome John Broome 1954
Hazel Geneva Broome Thomas N. Broome 1938
J. C. Broome Annie Bell Lola Broome 1946
J. H., Jr. Broome Louise Broome 1940
Kathryn Mae Broome Frank A. Broome 1944
Lucille Hartis Broome John G. Broome 1950
Margaret Broome Ralph Broome 1941
Rose Broome J. R. Broome 1946
T. T. Broome Isabel Broome 1941
William M. Broome Evelyn Broome 1934
William S. Broome Ruth O. Broome 1946
William Shannon Broome Ila Mae Broome 1952
Virginia McManus Brotherton Horace G. Brotherton 1946
Margaret Jean Broussard Joseph Dudley Broussard 1946
Jane Brower William A. Brower 1948
Anne Orr Brown John Clinton Brown 1946
Annie Wade Brown Will Brown 1921
Arthur S. Brown Mary Alice Brown 1953
Athalee C. Brown Joe D. Brown 1944
Audry Cameron Brown Fred Herron Brown 1949
Baxter Brown Amy Vance Brown 1923
Baxter Brown Mary Jane Vance Brown 1946
Bertie B. Brown Robert Craig Brown 1950
Bessie Brown Ephram N. Brown 1922
Bessie Brown James M. Brown 1935
Bonnie B. Brown Robert L. Brown 1949