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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
Clara Aaron William Aaron 1942
Frieda Gladys Abbott Willard Grady Abbott 1954
Fred Jerome Abercrombie Virginia Louise Abercrombie 1945
Edna Royster Abernathy L. C. Abernathy 1950
Herbert R. Abernathy Lola Swindell Abernathy 1945
Hettie F. Abernathy Joseph B. Abernathy 1930
Inez Wooten Abernathy Horace A. Abernathy 1948
J. M. Abernathy Matilda C. Abernathy 1940
Lowther J., Jr. Abernathy Ethel Irene Abernathy 1943
Mildred W. Abernathy Allison W. Abernathy 1950
Pauline L. Abernathy Clarence S. Abernathy 1948
R. G. Abernathy Marguerita S. Abernathy 1933
Clarice Brabham Abernethy Furman Hay Abernethy 1938
Florence Lee Abernethy W. L. Abernethy 1936
Frank W. Abernethy Emma Abernethy 1943
Gladys Ruth Abernethy Robert S. Abernethy 1940
Oral D., Jr. Abernethy Mary L. Abernethy 1949
Texie B. Abernethy David M. Abernethy 1936
Walter C. Abernethy Florence Abernethy 1946
Hazel H. Aberson James A. Aberson 1955
Alberta Abrams Ernest Russell Abrams 1944
Herman Abrams Jennie Abrams 1934
Margaret W. Abrams Charles G. Abrams 1955
Rochell E. Absher Lollie Mae Kiser Absher 1943
Joseph E., Jr. Acker Mary Paxton Acker 1951
Juanita Mouldin Acosta Albaro (Alvaro) Acosta 1948
Arthur Adams Catherine C. Adams 1950
Belle Adams T. A. Adams 1936
Christine Duncan Adams Thomas Adams 1946
Clarence H. Adams Etta Adams 1944
E. A. Adams Rowena Adams 1946
Elizabeth Adams James (Jim) Adams 1944
Frank T. Adams Lela Goodson Adams 1951
Maggie Adams James Adams 1953
Martha Adams Will A. Adams 1948
Mary Helen Adams Thomas C. Adams 1945
R. H. Adams Aline B. Adams 1935
Rosa Lee Adams William B. Adams 1945
Ruby Arant Adams Clarence Thomas Adams 1947
Ruby S. Adams James A. Adams 1940
Ruth Adams Jack Crawford T. Adams 1952
Vivian Brown Adams Odell R. Adams 1939
W. A. Adams Mamie Adams 1916
Will A. Adams Martha E. Adams 1947
William B. Adams Rosalie G. Adams 1947
William M. Adams Helen L. Adams 1961
Robert Adcock Nora Mae Adams 1954
Robert Adams Nora Mae Adcock 1954
Silas Adams Malessee Adcock 1945
Silas Adcock Malessee Adcock 1945
Q. J. Adderly Lula M. Adderly 1945
Eva Bowman Addison Haywood Addison 1928
Pruett Aderhold Clara Francis Aderhold 1942
T. M. Adkins S. K. Adkins 1890
Minnie Adrey George Adrey 1909
Sidney J. Agnelly Elizabeth S. Agnelly 1944
Virginia Miller Agnew A. Howard Agnew 1936
Andrew D. Agurs Janie Mae Agurs 1943
Arthur Agurs Johnnie Mae Agurs 1937
Annie C. Aiken Edney M. Aiken 1926
Margaret Aiken Ralph Jones Aiken 1953
Pattie Mae Aiken T. J. Aiken 1944
W. B. Aiken Hazel Aileen Howard Aiken 1940
Roscoe Ailiff Nina Mae Ailiff 1934
William L. Ainslie Florence Tarbox Ainslie 1948
Nettie A. Airington Johnnie Lee Airington 1949
Janetta Starnes Akins Namon R. Akins 1949
Namon R. Akins Sachel Akins 1942
Annie Lou Albea Frank A. Albea 1941
Hazel H. Alberson James A. Alberson 1955
Lucile S. Albert James F. Albert 1939
Ida Albright Steve Albright 1908
L. B. Albright Ruth Elizabeth Albright 1934
Ted Cline Albright Juanita McCallum Albright 1945
Julia Albritton William J. Albritton 1933
Evvie Viola Albro Benjamin A. Albro 1922
Alice J. Alcazar Humberto Alcazar 1938
Cynthia O`Nary Wells Aldred Junnie L. Aldred 1955
Gladys Aldred Marion Russell Aldred 1937
Cora A. Aldridge William M. Aldridge 1907
Gerry Aldridge Ray Aldridge 1948
Thomas Victor Aldridge Della Herrin Aldridge 1940
Andrew Alexander Jessie Alexander 1943
Andrew J. Alexander Bessie Alexander 1922
Annie L. Alexander William V. Alexander 1954
B. L. Alexander Gussie Weddington Alexander 1893
Bennetta Heath Alexander Odom Alexander 1934
Beulah Alexander John Alexander 1935
Boyce W. Alexander Mattie Moore Alexander 1945
Bryte G. Alexander William W. Alexander 1947
Burley Edwards Alexander Hazel Joel Alexander 1942
Catherine M. Alexander Howard B. Alexander 1931
Collie Alexander Nannie Lou Ford Alexander 1951
Dorothy Peeler Alexander Harold S. Alexander 1946
Elizabeth Alexander Jacob Alexander 1945
Etta Piercy Alexander Archie Lee Alexander 1949
Eva Cathey Alexander Vinson F. Alexander 1954
Frances McAdams Alexander William Kirkpatrick Alexander 1924
Hattie Alexander Milas Alexander 1923
Helen Lucille Washam Alexander James M. Alexander 1944