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Divorce Records
For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.
Plaintiff First Name | Plaintiff Last Name | Defendant First Name | Defendant Last Name | Year of Divorce |
Ernest Quickle | Stroupe | Vera Mae | Stroupe | 1936 |
William Percy | Carter | Vera Branch | Carter | 1934 |
Frank A. | Thrower | Vera A. | Thrower | 1945 |
Robert H. | Finley | Vera | Finley | 1947 |
J. O. | Long | Vera | Long | 1944 |
Roy P. | Outz | Vera | Outz | 1933 |
Howard | Pettice | Vera | Pettice | 1949 |
J. E. | Watkins | Vera | Watkins | 1911 |
Robert, Jr. | Alexander | Venus | Alexander | 1965 |
Paul Shelton | King | Venrus Hubbard | King | 1936 |
B. E. | Morris | Venda Jane | Morris | 1941 |
Mabel Wolfe | Berardi | Venard J. | Berardi | 1950 |
W. R. | Helms | Velner H. | Helms | 1947 |
C. H. | Kimbrell | Velma W. | Kimbrell | 1948 |
Fred S. | Osborne | Velma W. | Osborne | 1953 |
Henry L. | Clarke | Velma Rogers | Clarke | 1952 |
William Dorsey | White | Velma Riddick | White | 1942 |
J. J., Jr. | Harrill | Velma L. | Harrill | 1937 |
Leroy Edward | Ward | Velma Irene | Ward | 1945 |
Coli Martin | Rice | Vaughn | Rice | 1940 |
Coli Martin | Rice | Vaughn | Rice | 1940 |
William Coyte | Threatt | Vaud | Threatt | 1924 |
Eutrilla G. | Spencer | Vardry | Spencer | 1951 |
Ruth Foster | Niven | Vann Roy | Niven | 1935 |
Laura Elizabeth Dunn | Hatley | Vann | Hatley | 1936 |
Mary Brackman | Sills | Van Harris | Sills | 1943 |
Mary Brackman | Sills | Van Harris | Sills | 1943 |
Agnes Watson | Newell | Van H. | Newell | 1942 |
Mary L. | Stophel | Van Buren (Mike) | Stophel | 1949 |
B. E. | Hicks | Vallie Allen | Hicks | 1939 |
F. W., Mrs. | Badgett | Valentine | Badgett | 1942 |
Lute A. | MacCrickard | Valdelia (Delia) Hasten | MacCrickard | 1896 |
Columbus | Tankersley | Vadia Adams | Tankersley | 1929 |
Leland G. | Goss | Vada S. | Goss | 1949 |
Jasper W. | Efird | Vada Mae Eddins | Efird | 1943 |
E. F. | Wilson | V. W. | Wilson | 1927 |
Phoebe | Hambright | V. P., Jr. (alimony) | Hambright | 1945 |
Pearl | Anderson | V. E. | Anderson | 1930 |
Sarah M. | Palmer | V. D. | Palmer | 1950 |
Annie Lucile | Harmon | Ulyss Victor | Harmon | 1943 |
Dexter W. | Rigsbee | Uldine T. | Rigsbee | 1949 |
Dexter W. | Rigsbee | Uldine T. | Rigsbee | 1949 |
Lee A. | Folger | Ula Adams | Folger | 1942 |
Martha | Tritt | U. R. | Tritt | 1920 |
Ruby | Smoak | Tyson | Smoak | 1948 |
Nancy Allen | Prevatt | Tyler H. | Prevatt | 1946 |
Nancy Allen | Prevatt | Tyler H. | Prevatt | 1946 |
Mabel Brown | Jamison | Turner | Jamison | 1938 |
John | Houston | Tryphena Jennings | Houston | 1949 |
Louise | Young | Truman G. | Young | 1952 |
Mary Helen Orr | Magill | Truman Beattie, Jr. | Magill | 1948 |
Lillian Maness | Patterson | Troy William | Patterson | 1949 |
Mattie | Weatherford | Troy L. | Weatherford | 1938 |
Shirley Rinehart | Overcash | Troy Johnson, Jr. | Overcash | 1953 |
Clara Estridge | Thomas | Troy J. | Thomas | 1951 |
Gladys Donnelly | Thacker | Troy | Thacker | 1937 |
Hurley | Hasty | Tressie | Hasty | 1952 |
A. D. | Townsend | Tressa | Townsend | 1953 |
Dorothy Mae | Ogburn | Travis Bernard | Ogburn | 1934 |
Stella Mae Cacus | Bass | Travis | Bass | 1946 |
Estelle | Crowell | Travis | Crowell | 1919 |
Jennie Beard Mackorell | Proctor | Tracy | Proctor | 1926 |
Jennie Beard Mackorell | Proctor | Tracy | Proctor | 1926 |
Lethia Broadway | Sessom | Tony | Sessom | 1951 |
Lethia Broadway | Sessom | Tony | Sessom | 1951 |
Mary Carlisle | Love | Tommy L. | Love | 1951 |
Catherine Rios | Howard | Tommy Dalton | Howard | 1954 |
Pauline H. | Sessoms | Tommie Marshall | Sessoms | 1948 |
Pauline H. | Sessoms | Tommie Marshall | Sessoms | 1948 |
A. I. | Hayes | Tommie L. | Hayes | 1949 |
Annie Hemphill | Davis | Tommie | Davis | 1948 |
Pearline Margaret Mullis | Walters | Tomie Earl | Walters | 1952 |
Sarah | Watson | Tomas K. | Watson | 1859 |
Maude R. | Jimison | Tom P. | Jimison | 1940 |
Pauline Horne | Griffin | Tom Lee | Griffin | 1951 |
Wayne | Carros | Tom | Carros | 1928 |
Winnie | Davenport | Tom | Davenport | 1943 |
Floread | Gary | Tom | Gary | 1922 |
Susan T. | Hogan | Tom | Hogan | 1913 |
Mamie | Long | Tom | Long | 1928 |
Lillie | Owens | Tom | Owens | 1944 |
Betty J. | Butler | Tollie E. | Butler | 1953 |
Margie L. | Duby | Todd | Duby | 1953 |
Virginia | Price | Tobey N. | Price | 1955 |
Virginia | Price | Tobey N. | Price | 1955 |
W. B. | Pace | Tirzah E. | Pace | 1925 |
Beatrice | Crawford | Tim | Crawford | 1945 |
Carlos F. | Brown | Tillie J. | Brown | 1947 |
Virginia Edwards | Rowland | Thurman Milton | Rowland | 1949 |
Virginia Edwards | Rowland | Thurman Milton | Rowland | 1949 |
Margeret Rogers | Davis | Thurman E. | Davis | 1950 |
Lenore R. | Pierce | Thurman A. | Pierce | 1944 |
Elizabeth | Andrews | Thornwell H. | Andrews | 1929 |
Alma Jones | Davis | Thomas William | Davis | 1935 |
Elaine Price | Martin | Thomas William | Martin | 1945 |
Ruth Anderson | James | Thomas W. | James | 1953 |
Cornellia | Means | Thomas W. | Means | 1921 |
Mary Bagley Ross | Northrop | Thomas W. | Northrop | 1937 |
Evyon Foster | Redmon | Thomas Thermon | Redmon | 1951 |
Evyon Foster | Redmon | Thomas Thermon | Redmon | 1951 |