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Divorce Records
For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.
Plaintiff First Name | Plaintiff Last Name | Defendant First Name | Defendant Last Name | Year of Divorce |
Katherine | Furr | Spencer Lee | Furr | 1949 |
Darius | Russell | Spicie | Russell | 1944 |
Darius | Russell | Spicie | Russell | 1944 |
Mary | Pappas | Spiro | Pappas | 1930 |
Flossie | Edwards | Spurgeon (alimony) | Edwards | 1931 |
Dorothy | Blackmon | Spurgeon Harris | Blackmon | 1951 |
Eva | Pressley | Stacey C. | Pressley | 1949 |
Eva | Pressley | Stacey C. | Pressley | 1949 |
Hugh Foster | Calhoun | Stacie C. | Calhoun | 1941 |
Wayne A. | Rhyne | Stacy Phillips | Rhyne | 1951 |
Wayne A. | Rhyne | Stacy Phillips | Rhyne | 1951 |
Grace | Moore | Stafford | Moore | 1942 |
Mrs. Brown | Shumaker | Stamey | Shumaker | 1939 |
Mrs. Brown | Shumaker | Stamey | Shumaker | 1939 |
Jerasimos | Kamitsis | Stamo | Kamitsis | 1929 |
Bobby Harris | Lamb | Stanard Coleman | Lamb | 1958 |
Marjorie | Ward | Stancil Pretchard | Ward | 1946 |
Rosa | Oates | Stanhope | Oates | 1923 |
Sarah J. | Faison | Stanley | Faison | 1914 |
Louise Moser | Glass | Stanley | Glass | 1950 |
Irene C. | Janus | Stanley | Janus | 1933 |
Dorothy Puckett | Miller | Stanley | Miller | 1946 |
Florence | Stringfellow | Stanley | Stringfellow | 1954 |
Iris Pigg | Christenbury | Stanley A. | Christenbury | 1949 |
Maxine Heinrich | Smith | Stanley Earl | Smith | 1954 |
Mattie Thacker | Whitfield | Stanley M. | Whitfield | 1938 |
Marie V. | Moore | Stanley P. | Moore | 1932 |
Mae | Garmon | Starling J. | Garmon | 1942 |
Myra C. | Sloan | Steady A. | Sloan | 1943 |
Myra C. | Sloan | Steady A. | Sloan | 1943 |
J. H., Jr. | Bartles | Stella | Bartles | 1933 |
Frank | Keziah | Stella | Keziah | 1943 |
Claude | Stamey | Stella | Stamey | 1941 |
D. c. | McIntosh | Stella B. | McIntosh | 1946 |
Duncan L. | Wilkes | Stella G. | Wilkes | 1952 |
Manley | Justice | Stella Hicks | Justice | 1927 |
C. A. | Walker | Stella Hudson | Walker | 1934 |
Hetzel Wayne | Foland | Stella Jane Gillespie | Folden | 1946 |
Roger F. | Barr | Stella Jones | Barr | 1949 |
Bennie Lee | Bookman | Stella Lee | Bookman | 1954 |
H. L | Hasty | Stella Mae | Hasty | 1948 |
S. K. | Deaton | Stella Mae Sullivan | Deaton | 1932 |
Amanda | Byers | Stephen | Byers | 1890 |
Jeanette Mauney | King | Stephen V. | King | 1938 |
Dorothy Inez | Long | Sterling | Long | 1941 |
Ida | Albright | Steve | Albright | 1908 |
Willie Juanita | Passaly | Steve Carlton | Passaly | 1945 |
Vista | Antonio | Steve George | Antonio | 1946 |
Peggy Marion Dorsett | Chisum | Steve Jack | Chisum | 1955 |
Delphia | Reagin | Steve W. | Reagin | 1939 |
Delphia | Reagin | Steve W. | Reagin | 1939 |
Pearl Foster | Shannon | Steven | Shannon | 1941 |
Pearl Foster | Shannon | Steven | Shannon | 1941 |
Sarah Moore | Reagin | Stevens Wilson | Reagin | 1946 |
Sarah Moore | Reagin | Stevens Wilson | Reagin | 1946 |
Eleanor King | Aycoth | Stewart W. | Aycoth | 1938 |
Anne Mae Haynes | Horton | Stewert Price | Horton | 1945 |
Byrdie | Smith | Stokes Adderton | Smith | 1924 |
Cecile R. | Scism | Stowe Ray | Scism | 1950 |
Cecile R. | Scism | Stowe Ray | Scism | 1950 |
Frank | Peak | Strossie | Peak | 1953 |
Estelle I. | Ryan | Stuart D. | Ryan | 1951 |
Estelle I. | Ryan | Stuart D. | Ryan | 1951 |
Josephine Miller | Parlier | Stuart R. | Parlier | 1953 |
Juanita Eller | Helton | Sturgess Henry | Helton | 1944 |
John | Bagley | Sudie | Bagley | 1942 |
John H. | Alexander | Sudie C. | Alexander | 1913 |
Sidney L. | Rappe | Sudie S. | Rappe | 1950 |
Sidney L. | Rappe | Sudie S. | Rappe | 1950 |
Lloyd L. | Petty | Sue Cousart | Petty | 1928 |
Johnny L. | Gathings | Sue Elizabeth | Gathings | 1946 |
E. H. | Carithers | Sue Jennet | Carithers | 1943 |
Frank Lamar | Neely | Sue Liggon Johnson | Neely | 1949 |
Joseph P., Jr. | Muse | Sula Lavaine | Muse | 1947 |
Eugene | Penny | Sula Mae Hendrix | Penny | 1956 |
Huldie | Alexander | Summie C. | Alexander | 1922 |
Elizabeth Wooodard | Moore | Sumter | Moore | 1940 |
James | Glenn | Survilla | Glenn | 1941 |
Johnson | Sellers | Survilor Tate | Sellers | 1945 |
Johnson | Sellers | Survilor Tate | Sellers | 1945 |
J. W. | Biggs | Susan | Biggs | 1907 |
Ray W. | Hull | Susan Amelia H. | Lupo | 1935 |
James | Fletcher | Susan Pearson | Fletcher | 1950 |
J. Z. | Cauthen | Susanne Broome | Cauthen | 1927 |
James | McCullough | Susie | McCullough | 1943 |
J. S. | Perry | Susie | Perry | 1928 |
John S. | Perry | Susie | Perry | 1949 |
Paul | Pharr | Susie | Pharr | 1925 |
James R. | Ross | Susie Bell | Ross | 1948 |
James R. | Ross | Susie Bell | Ross | 1948 |
W. H. | Truesdell | Susie C. | Truesdell | 1935 |
Ernest Oscar | Alvis | Susie Katherine | Alvis | 1951 |
Clifton Thulder | Robinson | Susie Mary Ann Jane | Robinson | 1949 |
Clifton Thulder | Robinson | Susie Mary Ann Jane | Robinson | 1949 |
Haywood | Crowell | Susie May | Crowell | 1941 |
Nelson M. | Thomas | Susie W. | Thomas | 1947 |
James Clarence | Horne | Sybil Privette | Horne | 1950 |
Ralph B. | Ketchum | Sybil T. | Ketchum | 1953 |
Oswald B. | Tukes | Syble Alexander | Tukes | 1942 |
George H. | Russell | Sylena Dixon | Russell | 1947 |