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Divorce Records

For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.

Plaintiff First Name Plaintiff Last Name Defendant First Name Defendant Last Name Year of Divorce
James C. Patterson Sarah A. Patterson 1931
John M. Sherrod Sarah A. Sherrod 1941
John M. Sherrod Sarah A. Sherrod 1941
Charles L. Baker Sarah Ann Crowell Baker 1951
James R. Knight Sarah B. Knight 1968
William Cloud Sarah Bell Cloud 1949
Phillip C., Sr. Hart Sarah C. Hart 1947
W. F. Wilhelm Sarah C. Wilhelm 1942
Armon G. Meacham Sarah E. Meacham 1940
James R. Anderson Sarah Elizabeth Anderson 1935
Cal A. Dickson Sarah Elizabeth Dickson 1943
Ernest Lee Griesman Sarah Emerson Griesman 1950
Grady Vinson Sarah Evelyn Vinson 1945
William F. Duke Sarah F. Duke 1900
C. C. McVicker Sarah F. McVicker 1917
J. Lester Barr Sarah Frances Barr 1940
W. D. Squires Sarah Frankie Squires 1943
Charlie Y. Hoffman Sarah Galvin Hoffman 1942
Charles Franklin Davis Sarah H. Davis 1945
Homer Lee Morgan Sarah I. Morgan 1966
Charlie B. Funderburk Sarah J. Funderburk 1939
J. C. Hampton Sarah Jane Uldrick Hampton 1949
Henry Robinson Sarah Jimison Robinson 1946
Henry Robinson Sarah Jimison Robinson 1946
James Lee Whitley Sarah Joe Whitley 1942
Ellis C. Elders Sarah K. Elders 1945
James M. Bowen Sarah L. Bowen 1907
C. M. Stutts Sarah L. Stutts 1945
Allen, Jr. Tillman Sarah M. Tillman 1945
William A. McCully Sarah Menerver McCully 1938
W. E. Hopper Sarah Montgomery Hopper 1939
Knox Robert, Jr. Carraway Sarah Olive Branon Carraway 1953
Robert McMurray Nicholson Sarah Pauline Nicholson 1952
Luther Charles Holmes Sarah Phillips Holmes 1948
George N. Nicholson Sarah R. Nicholson 1954
Parks Hunter Sarah Smith Hunter 1950
R. L. Fox Sarah Strickland Fox 1948
O. O. Pope Sarah Summers Pope 1936
O. O. Pope Sarah Summers Pope 1936
Robert Holt Hunt Sarah Thompson Hunt 1938
Emma Mack Saul Mack 1921
Bettie Cowan Scott Cowan 1899
Eliza Hunter Scott Hunter 1913
Adelene Walker Ronaldson Scott Ronaldson 1938
Adelene Walker Ronaldson Scott Ronaldson 1938
Samuel Wallace Selia Morris Wallace 1906
B. O. Baker Selma Baker 1930
William Arthur Brown Selma Morgan Brown 1945
Alice Tarlton Ressing Serrell K., Jr. Ressing 1953
Alice Tarlton Ressing Serrell K., Jr. Ressing 1953
Pauline Lackey Seward Lackey 1943
Anice Inez Britt Shafford Britt 1967
Carrie Twitty Shannon Twitty 1944
Elizabeth A. Caveness Shelley B. Caveness 1951
Juanita Caulder Shelton Caulder 1943
Sallie Norton Shepherd Norton 1935
Brown Hartis Sherley Jean Hartis 1946
Ruth Watson Arnold Sherman Arnold 1946
Walter G. Dellinger Shirley Dellinger 1950
Beatrice Roberts Shirley Roberts 1951
Beatrice Roberts Shirley Roberts 1951
Russell Lee W. Dunn Shirley Anderson Dunn 1953
Melvin D. Crump Shirley Ann Crump 1954
Frances G. Keziah Shirley B. Keziah 1947
Lorraine P. Breen Shirley M. Breen 1940
Thomas E. Cooney Shirley M. Coney 1946
Clyde Franklin Coggins Shirley Tilly Coggins 1954
Novella Church Shober Jefferson Church 1953
Pearl Lee Hartis Sidney Alexander Hartis 1950
Pearl Lee Hartis Sidney Alexander Hartis 1951
Pearl Lee Hartis Sidney Alexander Hartis 1953
Helen Steed Perkins Sidney E. Perkins 1948
Marian Louise Combs Sidney Gale Combs 1939
Ella Mae Blackwelder Sidney H. Blackwelder 1934
Eva S. Tagalog Siego O. Tagalog 1918
Sarah Anne Burgess Silas M. Burgess 1936
Nellie Kiser Jackson Silas M. Jackson 1949
Pauline Mozelle Mauldwin Silas V., Sr. Mauldwin 1951
John Johnson Silva (Silvie) Johnson 1910
Lilly Mae Brigance Silvia Lee Brigance 1935
Ada Elizabeth Clay Sim Clay 1941
Florence Louise Schloss Simeon A. Schloss 1956
Florence Louise Schloss Simeon A. Schloss 1956
Florence Louise Schloss Simeon Archibald, Jr. Schloss 1951
Florence Louise Schloss Simeon Archibald, Jr. Schloss 1951
Thelma Mungo Bradford Simon M., Jr. Bradford 1946
Will Wright Siney Lindsay Wright 1944
Garfield Sim(m)s Sisley Patton Sim(m)s 1936
Garfield Sim(m)s Sisley Patton Sim(m)s 1936
H. O. Fowler Smithie Sheppard Fowler 1942
Mildred Richardson Snyder Richardson 1932
Mildred Richardson Snyder Richardson 1932
Azalie Mulligan (also Azalie Mulligan Ellis vs. Louise Ervin Lambe, alienation of affection, 1946) Ellis Solomon R. Ellis 1947
Janie Simpson Solon Simpson 1943
Janie Simpson Solon Simpson 1943
Roy Tinsley Sophie Tinsley 1932
William Wade Cashion Sophronia Crawford Cashion 1939
Mayme S. Kirk Spence Kirk 1947
Katherine Morton Storie Spencer Storie 1935
Carolyn Lassiter Feimster Spencer Adams Feimster 1950