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Divorce Records
For divorce records from the year 1970 or later , please contact the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court (704-686-0400).
The Carolina Room has records for Mecklenburg County divorces dated 1846-1969, There is an index to them on this site, and the full records can be read on microfilm in the Carolina Room. Please select "Contact" above to request assistance from the Carolina Room.
Plaintiff First Name | Plaintiff Last Name | Defendant First Name | Defendant Last Name | Year of Divorce |
James C. | Patterson | Sarah A. | Patterson | 1931 |
John M. | Sherrod | Sarah A. | Sherrod | 1941 |
John M. | Sherrod | Sarah A. | Sherrod | 1941 |
Charles L. | Baker | Sarah Ann Crowell | Baker | 1951 |
James R. | Knight | Sarah B. | Knight | 1968 |
William | Cloud | Sarah Bell | Cloud | 1949 |
Phillip C., Sr. | Hart | Sarah C. | Hart | 1947 |
W. F. | Wilhelm | Sarah C. | Wilhelm | 1942 |
Armon G. | Meacham | Sarah E. | Meacham | 1940 |
James R. | Anderson | Sarah Elizabeth | Anderson | 1935 |
Cal A. | Dickson | Sarah Elizabeth | Dickson | 1943 |
Ernest Lee | Griesman | Sarah Emerson | Griesman | 1950 |
Grady | Vinson | Sarah Evelyn | Vinson | 1945 |
William F. | Duke | Sarah F. | Duke | 1900 |
C. C. | McVicker | Sarah F. | McVicker | 1917 |
J. Lester | Barr | Sarah Frances | Barr | 1940 |
W. D. | Squires | Sarah Frankie | Squires | 1943 |
Charlie Y. | Hoffman | Sarah Galvin | Hoffman | 1942 |
Charles Franklin | Davis | Sarah H. | Davis | 1945 |
Homer Lee | Morgan | Sarah I. | Morgan | 1966 |
Charlie B. | Funderburk | Sarah J. | Funderburk | 1939 |
J. C. | Hampton | Sarah Jane Uldrick | Hampton | 1949 |
Henry | Robinson | Sarah Jimison | Robinson | 1946 |
Henry | Robinson | Sarah Jimison | Robinson | 1946 |
James Lee | Whitley | Sarah Joe | Whitley | 1942 |
Ellis C. | Elders | Sarah K. | Elders | 1945 |
James M. | Bowen | Sarah L. | Bowen | 1907 |
C. M. | Stutts | Sarah L. | Stutts | 1945 |
Allen, Jr. | Tillman | Sarah M. | Tillman | 1945 |
William A. | McCully | Sarah Menerver | McCully | 1938 |
W. E. | Hopper | Sarah Montgomery | Hopper | 1939 |
Knox Robert, Jr. | Carraway | Sarah Olive Branon | Carraway | 1953 |
Robert McMurray | Nicholson | Sarah Pauline | Nicholson | 1952 |
Luther Charles | Holmes | Sarah Phillips | Holmes | 1948 |
George N. | Nicholson | Sarah R. | Nicholson | 1954 |
Parks | Hunter | Sarah Smith | Hunter | 1950 |
R. L. | Fox | Sarah Strickland | Fox | 1948 |
O. O. | Pope | Sarah Summers | Pope | 1936 |
O. O. | Pope | Sarah Summers | Pope | 1936 |
Robert Holt | Hunt | Sarah Thompson | Hunt | 1938 |
Emma | Mack | Saul | Mack | 1921 |
Bettie | Cowan | Scott | Cowan | 1899 |
Eliza | Hunter | Scott | Hunter | 1913 |
Adelene Walker | Ronaldson | Scott | Ronaldson | 1938 |
Adelene Walker | Ronaldson | Scott | Ronaldson | 1938 |
Samuel | Wallace | Selia Morris | Wallace | 1906 |
B. O. | Baker | Selma | Baker | 1930 |
William Arthur | Brown | Selma Morgan | Brown | 1945 |
Alice Tarlton | Ressing | Serrell K., Jr. | Ressing | 1953 |
Alice Tarlton | Ressing | Serrell K., Jr. | Ressing | 1953 |
Pauline | Lackey | Seward | Lackey | 1943 |
Anice Inez | Britt | Shafford | Britt | 1967 |
Carrie | Twitty | Shannon | Twitty | 1944 |
Elizabeth A. | Caveness | Shelley B. | Caveness | 1951 |
Juanita | Caulder | Shelton | Caulder | 1943 |
Sallie | Norton | Shepherd | Norton | 1935 |
Brown | Hartis | Sherley Jean | Hartis | 1946 |
Ruth Watson | Arnold | Sherman | Arnold | 1946 |
Walter G. | Dellinger | Shirley | Dellinger | 1950 |
Beatrice | Roberts | Shirley | Roberts | 1951 |
Beatrice | Roberts | Shirley | Roberts | 1951 |
Russell Lee W. | Dunn | Shirley Anderson | Dunn | 1953 |
Melvin D. | Crump | Shirley Ann | Crump | 1954 |
Frances G. | Keziah | Shirley B. | Keziah | 1947 |
Lorraine P. | Breen | Shirley M. | Breen | 1940 |
Thomas E. | Cooney | Shirley M. | Coney | 1946 |
Clyde Franklin | Coggins | Shirley Tilly | Coggins | 1954 |
Novella | Church | Shober Jefferson | Church | 1953 |
Pearl Lee | Hartis | Sidney Alexander | Hartis | 1950 |
Pearl Lee | Hartis | Sidney Alexander | Hartis | 1951 |
Pearl Lee | Hartis | Sidney Alexander | Hartis | 1953 |
Helen Steed | Perkins | Sidney E. | Perkins | 1948 |
Marian Louise | Combs | Sidney Gale | Combs | 1939 |
Ella Mae | Blackwelder | Sidney H. | Blackwelder | 1934 |
Eva S. | Tagalog | Siego O. | Tagalog | 1918 |
Sarah Anne | Burgess | Silas M. | Burgess | 1936 |
Nellie Kiser | Jackson | Silas M. | Jackson | 1949 |
Pauline Mozelle | Mauldwin | Silas V., Sr. | Mauldwin | 1951 |
John | Johnson | Silva (Silvie) | Johnson | 1910 |
Lilly Mae | Brigance | Silvia Lee | Brigance | 1935 |
Ada Elizabeth | Clay | Sim | Clay | 1941 |
Florence Louise | Schloss | Simeon A. | Schloss | 1956 |
Florence Louise | Schloss | Simeon A. | Schloss | 1956 |
Florence Louise | Schloss | Simeon Archibald, Jr. | Schloss | 1951 |
Florence Louise | Schloss | Simeon Archibald, Jr. | Schloss | 1951 |
Thelma Mungo | Bradford | Simon M., Jr. | Bradford | 1946 |
Will | Wright | Siney Lindsay | Wright | 1944 |
Garfield | Sim(m)s | Sisley Patton | Sim(m)s | 1936 |
Garfield | Sim(m)s | Sisley Patton | Sim(m)s | 1936 |
H. O. | Fowler | Smithie Sheppard | Fowler | 1942 |
Mildred | Richardson | Snyder | Richardson | 1932 |
Mildred | Richardson | Snyder | Richardson | 1932 |
Azalie Mulligan (also Azalie Mulligan Ellis vs. Louise Ervin Lambe, alienation of affection, 1946) | Ellis | Solomon R. | Ellis | 1947 |
Janie | Simpson | Solon | Simpson | 1943 |
Janie | Simpson | Solon | Simpson | 1943 |
Roy | Tinsley | Sophie | Tinsley | 1932 |
William Wade | Cashion | Sophronia Crawford | Cashion | 1939 |
Mayme S. | Kirk | Spence | Kirk | 1947 |
Katherine Morton | Storie | Spencer | Storie | 1935 |
Carolyn Lassiter | Feimster | Spencer Adams | Feimster | 1950 |