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Pinewood Cemetery

Pinewood Cemetery
County Quadrant: 
Southeast Quadrant
Cemetery Size: 
More than 100 graves
Organization Affiliation: 
City of Charlotte
9th St. and Seaboard St.
Phone Number: 

This cemetery is owned by the City of Charlotte and was originally designated for African-Americans. In a 1893 report from the Good Samaritan Hospital, some of the patients who died that year were buried in Pinewood in the Hospital lot at the expense of the hospital. The names of these in question as of 11/2004 are included and are provided by Historic Charlotte. Only a few burial records have been listed in this database. For all burial information, please call the number for the city of Charlotte cemeteries.

Two images show Charlotte city cemetery staff about 1945 -

First image, l-r: #6 Mr. Haas, #7 Pauline Jones, #8 Mr. McFarland, #9 James Everett Hartis

Second image, l-r on back row: James Everett Hartis, Mr. McFarland, Pauline Jones, Mr. Haas

This cemetery is adjacent to Elmwood Cemetery.

Condition of Location: 

Burials in this Cemetery

Last Name First Name Date of Death Cemetery
Kinard Lee 2 / 7 / 1950 Pinewood Cemetery
Kincaid Corinne 11 / 15 / 1949 Pinewood Cemetery
Kingsboro Elijah 9 / 25 / 1948 Pinewood Cemetery
Kirk Alice 2 / 18 / 1948 Pinewood Cemetery
Kirkpatrick Baby 4 / 3 / 1952 Pinewood Cemetery
Kirkpatrick Elizabeth 12 / 19 / 1950 Pinewood Cemetery
Kiser Michael 4 / 22 / 1956 Pinewood Cemetery
Klegg Clara 1 / 15 / 1925 Pinewood Cemetery
Lanier Baby 7 / 21 / 1952 Pinewood Cemetery
Lanier Baby Girl 2 / 29 / 1956 Pinewood Cemetery
Lark Nathan 2 / 19 / 1929 Pinewood Cemetery
Lawing Maggie 1 / 27 / 1927 Pinewood Cemetery
Leach Baby Boy 2 / 15 / 1957 Pinewood Cemetery
Leach Jessie 8 / 12 / 1926 Pinewood Cemetery
League Edward 8 / 24 / 1926 Pinewood Cemetery
Leak Mary 3 / 3 / 1956 Pinewood Cemetery
Leak Sadie 5 / 12 / 1951 Pinewood Cemetery
Leamon Mark 11 / 2 / 1940 Pinewood Cemetery
Ledbetter Madora 7 / 26 / 1929 Pinewood Cemetery
Lee James 6 / 8 / 1930 Pinewood Cemetery
Lee John 4 / 24 / 1953 Pinewood Cemetery
Lee Myrtle 12 / 15 / 1955 Pinewood Cemetery
Lee Sam 4 / 25 / 1953 Pinewood Cemetery
Leslie Baby Boy 7 / 11 / 1958 Pinewood Cemetery
Leslie Luther 10 / 31 / 1958 Pinewood Cemetery
Lewis Carrie 4 / 30 / 1956 Pinewood Cemetery
Lightsey Gladys 11 / 21 / 1925 Pinewood Cemetery
Lindsay Margaret 4 / 17 / 1947 Pinewood Cemetery
Lindsay Nathan 1 / 25 / 1931 Pinewood Cemetery
Lindsay William 7 / 4 / 1948 Pinewood Cemetery
Liston Baby 2 / 6 / 1951 Pinewood Cemetery
Little Baby 1 / 3 / 1953 Pinewood Cemetery
Little Lottie 8 / 6 / 1945 Pinewood Cemetery
Little William 10 / 8 / 1945 Pinewood Cemetery
Littlejohn Essie 7 / 28 / 1956 Pinewood Cemetery
Livingstone James 6 / 22 / 1950 Pinewood Cemetery
Locke Baby 7 / 26 / 1937 Pinewood Cemetery
Locke Frances 1 / 12 / 1938 Pinewood Cemetery
Lockhart Baby 3 / 1 / 1951 Pinewood Cemetery
Logan Samuel 12 / 30 / 1925 Pinewood Cemetery
Long Dr. Thomas 12 / 5 / 1950 Pinewood Cemetery
Long Mary 10 / 30 / 1930 Pinewood Cemetery
Long Mildred 2 / 24 / 1959 Pinewood Cemetery
Love Clio 7 / 23 / 1926 Pinewood Cemetery
Love James 12 / 24 / 1929 Pinewood Cemetery
Love Laura 11 / 20 / 1926 Pinewood Cemetery
Lovell Walter 7 / 20 / 1953 Pinewood Cemetery
Luppy Janie 6 / 3 / 1945 Pinewood Cemetery
Lyles Lyncia 9 / 22 / 1925 Pinewood Cemetery
Lylie Ed 7 / 10 / 1928 Pinewood Cemetery
Mack John 3 / 4 / 1951 Pinewood Cemetery
Mack Robert 7 / 30 / 1931 Pinewood Cemetery
Mackey Albert 11 / 14 / 1942 Pinewood Cemetery
Mackey Willie 9 / 4 / 1950 Pinewood Cemetery
Manning Rufus 4 / 18 / 1940 Pinewood Cemetery
Marshall Joe 11 / 1 / 1930 Pinewood Cemetery
Martin Baby 7 / 11 / 1952 Pinewood Cemetery
Martin Catherine 12 / 18 / 1947 Pinewood Cemetery
Martin James 2 / 20 / 1933 Pinewood Cemetery
Martin Oscar 4 / 30 / 1927 Pinewood Cemetery
Martin Thomas 11 / 14 / 1950 Pinewood Cemetery
Martin Viola 1 / 4 / 1928 Pinewood Cemetery
Martin Jr Frank 8 / 6 / 1931 Pinewood Cemetery
Martin, DDS. J. 6 / 22 / 1949 Pinewood Cemetery
Mason Millie 6 / 23 / 1928 Pinewood Cemetery
Massey Baby Girl 8 / 30 / 1957 Pinewood Cemetery
Massey Clarence 1 / 1 / 1930 Pinewood Cemetery
Massey George 9 / 11 / 1926 Pinewood Cemetery
Massey Jamie Lee 2 / 3 / 1936 Pinewood Cemetery
Massey John 5 / 20 / 1952 Pinewood Cemetery
Massey John 12 / 8 / 1929 Pinewood Cemetery
Massey Lucy 10 / 31 / 1932 Pinewood Cemetery
Massey Maggie 8 / 2 / 1932 Pinewood Cemetery
Matthews Infant 8 / 18 / 1926 Pinewood Cemetery
Maxwell Charles 7 / 27 / 1945 Pinewood Cemetery
Mayfield Nolan 7 / 20 / 1926 Pinewood Cemetery
Mayfield, Rev. Primies 1 / 23 / 1946 Pinewood Cemetery
Mays Ruth 3 / 10 / 1950 Pinewood Cemetery
McCatherine James 8 / 21 / 1949 Pinewood Cemetery
McClain Baby 9 / 15 / 1950 Pinewood Cemetery
McClendon James 8 / 24 / 1951 Pinewood Cemetery
McClendon West 10 / 21 / 1930 Pinewood Cemetery
McClure Baby 12 / 17 / 1955 Pinewood Cemetery
McClure Joseph 8 / 24 / 1931 Pinewood Cemetery
McClure Westley 8 / 26 / 1927 Pinewood Cemetery
McCollough Emma 9 / 4 / 1947 Pinewood Cemetery
McCorkle Katherine 1 / 5 / 1954 Pinewood Cemetery
McCorn William 96 / 11 / 1886 Pinewood Cemetery
McCoy Mable 6 / 14 / 1928 Pinewood Cemetery
McCoy Pearl 5 / 9 / 1956 Pinewood Cemetery
McCoy Will 1 / 21 / 1926 Pinewood Cemetery
McCray Mack 6 / 13 / 1929 Pinewood Cemetery
McCulla William 3 / 18 / 1933 Pinewood Cemetery
McCullough Albert 4 / 13 / 1946 Pinewood Cemetery
McCullough William 7 / 24 / 1945 Pinewood Cemetery
McDowell Baby Girl 9 / 5 / 1953 Pinewood Cemetery
McDowell Calvin 12 / 31 / 1940 Pinewood Cemetery
McDowell Fred 2 / 25 / 1946 Pinewood Cemetery
McElroy Arlena 3 / 31 / 1928 Pinewood Cemetery
McGee Infant 11 / 16 / 1927 Pinewood Cemetery