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Object Title: Main Street, Pineville Description: This is a view of Main Street, looking west from Dover Street. Location: Pineville (N.C.)
Object Title: Dover Street Description: This is a view of the east side of Dover Street, looking south from Main Street. Location: Pineville (N.C.) 
Object Title: Main Street, Pineville Description: This is a view of Main Street, looking east from Dover Street. Location: Pineville (N.C.)
Object Title: Pineville Telephone Company
Object Title: Flea Market Description: The Pineville Flea Market is located on Highway 51 in the last block  before the state line. Location: Pineville (N.C.)
Object Title: Highway 51 Description: This billboard on the state line advertises a casino that had just been closed by law. Location: Pineville (N.C.) 
Object Title: Carowinds Description: The amusement park straddles the North Carolina- South Carolina line.
Object Title: Carowinds Description: This tower at Carowinds stands out from miles away. Location: Steele Creek area, Mecklenburg County (N.C)
Object Title: Steele Creek Community Center Description: The Steele Creek Community Center is located on South Tryon Street.
Object Title: Stough Memorial Baptist Church Description: The church is located on the 400 block of Johnston Road. Location: Pineville (N.C.)
Object Title: Matthews Market Description: The land at Highways 51 and 74 has been cleared for Matthews Market. Location: Matthews, (N.C.)
Object Title: Barn  Description: The entry way cut through the center of this barn leads to a private residence on the south side of Idlewild Road.
Object Title: American Legion Post - "The Hut" Description: This photograph shows the American Legion post in Pineville.
Object Title: Baseball Field Description: This photograph shows the Laddie C. Whetstone Memorial Little League Field. Location: Pineville (N.C.) 
Object Title: School Building Description: The photograph shows a second view of what is apparently an old school building on the south side of Highway 73.
Object Title: School Building Description: The photograph shows what is apparently another old school building on the south side of Highway 73.
Object Title: School Building  Description: The photograph shows what is apparently an old school building on the south side of Highway 73.
Object Title: School Building
Object Title: School Building
Object Title: Rosenwald School Description: A former Rosenwald school, transformed into a hardware store. Location: Huntersville (N.C.)


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